
  1. W

    How can conservatives claim to be Christian, yet alter the Bible itself?

    Conservatives are writing a new version of the Bible that will edit out anything they don't like or consider too "liberal" (such as when Jesus forgave the women found in adultery), and incorporate their free-market capitalist ideas and disdain for government. The project is called the...
  2. U

    Why do conservatives complain about Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  3. A

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at

    the expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  4. D

    Conservatives: Can you explain why so many of you own "truck nuts?" What is the

    Conservatives: Can you explain why so many of you own "truck nuts?" What is the appeal?
  5. Z

    Why do Conservatives whine incessantly about a "liberal bias" in the... when there is none? FOX News has more viewers than its "liberal" rivals CNN and ABC combined. Shows like Hannity and O'Reiley easily overtake "liberal" talk shows like Rachel Maddow. Rush Limbaugh's radio station is the most listened to in the US. What drugs do cons take to illusion...
  6. S

    How long will we have to listen to conservatives whine when their nominee...

    ...loses to President Obama next month? Obama 2012-2016
  7. N

    Should Conservatives stop whining about socialist gulags when they...

    ...created such systems in Idaho today? Check this out: Who needs slavery when you can just make prisoners do private-sector labor for you? The only difference between these Idaho...
  8. H

    Conservatives, would you like a ride on my private jet or a cruise on my yacht?

    It's just a way to show my gratitude for all of the support you offer with your hard work and dedication to help me keep more money in my pocket. If you ride in the jet we can have fun smashing liberals on the window like bugs. I'll send a limo to pick you up from your trailer home.
  9. L

    How many conservatives have traveled outside of the US?

    Canada Mexico not included why not, travel before the dollar become worthless
  10. L

    Do liberals get away with murder on Yahoo Answers because conservatives do not

    cry and whine as much? It seems as though lots of question are deleted if uncomplimentary to liberals, democrats or the present administration. Do you think it's because those who elminate questions are biased towards the cowardly, name calling, crying and whining liberals than they are to the...
  11. P

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer money? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of Pharaoh would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in Europe, her wild...
  12. T

    Why do loud, ranting, un-informed conservatives scream about pennies while...

    ...ignoring dollars that are wasted? How were they trained to do this?
  13. T

    Why do conservatives support dodging any responsibility of paying for the privilege

    of living in this country? They became rich either through inheriting money - not working, or by hundreds of people working their butts off for them. Texas libertarian - Edit: Hundreds of FOREIGN WORKERS slaving their butts off. Now how about you stop dodging and answer the freakin' question?
  14. W

    Conservatives can you introduce me to a job creator?

    Where are the jobs
  15. R

    When will conservatives and republicans stop whining about abortion?

    It's not like they're going to change anyone's mind. You can't give someone a death certificate who hasn't even been born yet, that's just common sense. So when will conservatives stop being a bunch of whiny little brats and worry about real politics and not make a big deal out of this non-issue?
  16. B

    Basic Economics Quiz: Conservatives are always complaining that liberals...

    ...know nothing of economics, so here's? your chance to prove what you know. Here's five questions on basic economics. I just put these together off the top of my head. Anyone who claims to know about Economics should be able to ask all five questions effortlessly. Here you go folks...
  17. G

    Why do conservatives love to blame Obama but cry and whine when people blame Bush?

    Why do they act like the right has never done anything harmful to this country?
  18. G

    Why don't conservatives and Republicans give proof when they say a majority

    is opposed to health care reform? No polls, no studies, and this statement flies in the face of all polls that show public support for a public option.
  19. A

    Why do so many YA conservatives claim that libs name call when they

    can't argue facts? Are they blind to their own behavior? Let's see. I have been called a whore, anorexic, stupid, blind, a follower, the c-word. I guess those don't count.
  20. C

    Conservatives, why are you against letting americans treat animals like they do in...

    ...china? Look at chinas? economy? they save time and money worrying more about business and business interests than they do worthless animals. why don't we make laws like cruelty to coal or nuclear waste? i see animals as simply a resource, and not worthy as being deemed considerable life...