
  1. T

    Is this section (for the most part) filled and controlled by conservatives?

    There's nothing wrong with that at all if so, I'm just wondering because it seems that way from what I've seen. So far it looks pretty normal for a conservative answer to get 10 thumbs up and 2 thumbs down whereas the liberal will get vice versa. Again, nothing wrong with this.
  2. E

    Why don't I recall conservatives complaining when Reagan gave a political-charged

    address to kids in school? Like he did on November 14, 1988? I was in high school at the time, and nobody pulled their kids out of class claiming Reagan was just like Hitler trying to indoctrinate the young.
  3. D

    Fellow conservatives, how much whining will we hear when 0bama?

    loses his bid for a second term in 2012 from the left?
  4. D

    Are the irrational rants by the "Faux News" conservatives hurting the GOP?

    Bill'O The KKKlown and Glenn "Dude Where's My Crack Pipe" Beck are so delusional that even Charles Manson thinks they're the crazy ones. LOL.
  5. W

    Is R&S a combination of dry humor and cold snobby conservatives?

    Reminds me of a senior citizen home when Gertrude died. Stick it up your chute What's wrong with trees? :)
  6. S

    Conservatives are always whining about the liberal media why dont they start their

    own conservative media? you know seeing that they think they have all the money shouldnt be a prob. then
  7. W

    Is R&S a combination of dry humor and cold snobby conservatives?

    Reminds me of a senior citizen home when Gertrude died. Stick it up your chute What's wrong with trees? :)
  8. W

    Is R&S a combination of dry humor and cold snobby conservatives?

    Reminds me of a senior citizen home when Gertrude died. Stick it up your chute What's wrong with trees? :)
  9. E

    Why do conservatives like Glenn Beck think it's funny to "joke" about...

    ...poisoning Pelosi? Proof? I provided it, where's yours? Is it just the way conservatives think (violence is the answer), is it sexism, or is it because they can't win an argument, so they feel their only choice is to resort to "funny" jokes about killing liberals in leadership roles? And what...
  10. W

    Is R&S a combination of dry humor and cold snobby conservatives?

    Reminds me of a senior citizen home when Gertrude died. Stick it up your chute What's wrong with trees? :)
  11. E

    Why do conservatives like Glenn Beck think it's funny to "joke" about...

    ...poisoning Pelosi? Proof? I provided it, where's yours? Is it just the way conservatives think (violence is the answer), is it sexism, or is it because they can't win an argument, so they feel their only choice is to resort to "funny" jokes about killing liberals in leadership roles? And what...
  12. J

    Why do conservatives always reference my age when talking politics to me?

    I'm not a liberal, but I'm not too far from one; my closest match, if I had to group myself somewhere, would be libertarian. I've just noticed that whenever I talk with conservatives about anything, they always tell me that I'm just a kid, and that I'll grow up and adopt their way of thinking...
  13. K

    Conservatives: why do so many of you complain that America is too PC?

    Yet get angry whe I call Rush Limpballs a fat-A$$ oxycontin addicted racist pundit, or when I call Sarah Palin a bible thumping retard that has no place in public office, or when people call Michael Steele an "Uncle Tom", or Piyush Jindal the GOP's outsourced technical I thought...
  14. K

    Conservatives: how exactly do you think you can legislate the family values you

    complain about? I hear all the time from Conservatives, Mann Coulter, and fat-assed oxycontin addicted pundits that the only successful family is a nucular-Christian one, and that if you don't make that the way of our society we will fall into an imaginary "slippery-slope" that will destroy...
  15. K

    Conservatives: how exactly do you think you can legislate the family values you...

    ...complain about? I hear all the time from Conservatives, Mann Coulter, and fat-assed oxycontin addicted pundits that the only successful family is a nucular-Christian one, and that if you don't make that the way of our society we will fall into an imaginary "slippery-slope" that will destroy...
  16. M

    How bad would movies get if Hollywood liberals became Hollywood conservatives?

    I mean---Veggie Tales, those Left Behind movies-----ugggh!
  17. K

    Conservatives: Are These The Top Ten Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong?

    1. Homosexuality is not natural. Real people always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to...
  18. D

    Should we adopt failed policies because the conservatives are complaining so much?

    Should we deregulate the banks and let the corporations ship our jobs overseas? Would that make the conservatives happy? You are wrong, Clinton issued a policy that let banks give out loans to low income citizens WITH REGULATIONS. Then Bush came and deregulated them. Get your facts straight...
  19. A

    Why are all the conservatives whining now that Obama is president?

    Is it because they are LOSERS?
  20. W

    Conservatives often complain that they want to get government out of their lives.?

    Tell me how government is IN your lives. what do you want it to stop doing in YOUR life, personally. Be specific, and don't just write about taxes. Killer Queen: no body's tell anybody which news sources to listen to, or telling people to put health or banking records on a microchips, or...