
  1. A

    Why do people claim that it's impossible for particles to travel faster...

    ...than the speed of light? I don't understand the physics behind this. Why do people claim going faster than the speed of light could allow sending information back in time?
  2. J

    Why do Christians claim prophecy is proof of the Bible, but ignore the

    majority that haven't been fulfilled? And they also ignore that most of the prophecies are about random earthquakes and floods?
  3. M

    If Judaism is a religion and isn't a race, then why does Amanda Bynes claim

    to be a Jewish? She claims to be a Jewish because her mother is a Jewish, and but she doesnt know what religion she should pick from. So basically this means that shes a jew by blood but religiously she isn't anything yet. "Her father is Catholic and her mother is Jewish; Bynes has described...
  4. T

    House Fires May Needlessly Claim Lives Of Heavy Drinkers

    People who drink heavily may increase their risk of dying in house fires that should otherwise have been escapable, a new study suggests. The findings, reported in the September issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, highlight one of the less-recognized dangers of downing too much...
  5. A

    Tom Brady tells fans to drink early, Pats claim he meant water

    </p> When asked at a Wednesday press conference about the notoriously quiet crowd at Gillette Stadium, Tom Brady issued a tongue-in-cheek message to fans who will be in attendance at this weekend's home opener: "Yeah, start drinking early. [...] Get nice and rowdy. 4:15 game, lot of time to...
  6. G

    Celebrity Psychics Can Claim $1M If Their Powers Are Real [Science]

    The James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) is so convinced clairvoyants are a scam that the non-profit group is offering a $1 million dollar prize to any celebrity psychic who can prove his or her power is real. More »
  7. G

    Why do republicans claim illegal immigration an issue under ONLY under a...

    ...democrats administration? If they are complaining so much, why don't they just enforce the laws when they get into power like they fail to do so in the past? Why do people say "Obama" is suing the states when really the Department of Justice is clearly doing so?
  8. M

    Can workers comp claim once company ceased trading?

    Sorta says it all the claim was put in, in 07
  9. M

    Can workers comp claim once company ceased trading?

    Sorta says it all the claim was put in, in 07
  10. A

    Did Jesus Christ CLEARLY claim to be GOD?

    He only said I am the way, the light, no one gets to the father except through me. That doesn't mean he said he was GOD though. Also, how do we know that the Prophets of GOD, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jesus Christ, Muhammad (GOD's peace be upon them all) are actually sent by GOD? Did GOD send a...
  11. C

    Unemployment claim!?

    I was let go two days ago because my boss just didnt feel like i was a good fit. He said that i did all the right things but that they will go a different direction. So since ive been there for a little over 6 months i am now filling out a claim. My question is that when i chose the...
  12. A

    Why do so many YA conservatives claim that libs name call when they

    can't argue facts? Are they blind to their own behavior? Let's see. I have been called a whore, anorexic, stupid, blind, a follower, the c-word. I guess those don't count.
  13. Y

    if christians claim they have the Holy spirit and this one promises the gift of

    prophecy? can they predict? can they predict that will happen tomorrow in my LIFE?
  14. R

    Name a famous person who friends claim is really funny, with a good sense of humor...

    ...not often shown in public? Name a person who is in the public eye who we see in a serious role, but is also a person who friends and insiders claim is naturally funny and well known by those who know them to have a great sense of humor.
  15. S

    If you have to travel for your job can you claim that mileage on your taxes?

    I am talking about housekeepers. If I hire someone to work for my company and they travel from home to home cleaning can they keep up with their mileage as unembursed employee expenses?
  16. T

    how does false+true= true claim in logic? interesting take a look?

    in my philisophy 108 class- intro to logic, our prof gave us two example claims.. 1.If tennessee's ncaa football team wins there last game of the season, they will be elgible to play in a bowl game. Result- They lose the game, yet still make it to a bowl game. 2. If you come to new york, I will...
  17. D

    Why do *SOME* Christians claim that Atheists are stupid for using science?

    And then the Christians use science to try to prove God's existence or what happened in the bible.
  18. B

    Claim Jumper's Shrimp Stuffed Jalapeño Poppers Recipe?

    I visited California recently and went to Claim Jumpers. I really loved their shrimp stuffed jalapeño poppers. Unfortunately I probably wont visit California in a while. Does anyone that's tasted em know how to make them? Been craving some ever since.
  19. S

    Why do conservatives always claim that an "illegal immigrant" who has their child in

    Why do conservatives always claim that an "illegal immigrant" who has their child in the US is not a citizen? Why do conservatives always claim that an "illegal immigrant" who has their child in the US is not a citizen when the child IS a citizen? Since the child IS a citizen (being born in the...
  20. F

    How can Christians claim free will while also saying their God is omniscient?

    The statement that God is omniscient directly counteracts the statement that God gave us free will, since he knows what will happen. We cannot surprise God by doing something other than what he knows will happen. For instance, if I watch the World Cup 2006, I KNOW that Zinedine Zidane will...