
  1. P

    As a Christian man, what if i begin to live a more Christ like life, and go

    to church but my wife refuses? She refuses to live that life, and decides to fight with me about church, the bible, etc. I just try to be a strong example but she divorces me... Am i in the wrong?
  2. A

    Now that Malkin is out... shall we begin the trade rumours?

    The Pens are bound to make a push to sign or trade for someone before the deadline. Who do you think would be a good fit, baring in mind that they have about $3 M free cap space. I think Arnott or Kovalev would be a good fit. Arnott can play center or wing, and is a UFA. Kovalev apparently...
  3. S

    Why do I feel rejected when I hadn't really expected him to be interested to begin

    with? ? Hello, I'm sorry to get sad on you. I had a crush on the ONLY actually decent man I've ever met. And of course he isn't interested. In fact, I fear I repulse him. I was in a good place in my head when I met him,or so I though. Good enough to not be bothered by his ignoring...
  4. M

    What tools do I need to begin Android App development?

    I am a college student looking to get started in Android development, and I was wondering if anyone knew all the tools/programs I need to get started. That website kind of helped, I got the SDK and some other tools, but it didn't...
  5. M

    Do i need to meet or exceed an objects maximum static friction to begin motion?

    In order to get an object moving, do you have to overcome it's static friction, or only meet it? I.e. if an objects maximum force of static friction is 40N do i have to push 40N or >40N Thanks!
  6. D

    SURVEY ~~ Do all fairy tales begin with 'Once Upon A Time ?

    ?????.•*¨`*•..¸? ¸.•*¨`*•.??????. ?????????? ????? ?????????? ? HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ? ?????????? ????? ?????????? ?????.•*¨`*•..¸? ¸.•*¨`*•.???? D :)
  7. M

    If Christians who become atheists were never real Christians to begin with...

    ...does that mean? atheists who become christian were never real atheists ?
  8. A

    Why does Matthew 1's lineage begin with Abraham, ascend through Solomon &

    Joseph unto the Jesus called Christ? And why does Luke 3's "supposed" lineage of Jesus descend through Joseph & Nathan to Adam, son of plural God Are we talking two Josephs: Joseph, son of Heli... descending thru Nathan Jospeh, son of Jacob... ascending thru Solomon And two of Jesus, one Jesus...
  9. A

    Why does Matthew 1's lineage begin with Abraham, ascend through Solomon &

    Joseph unto the Jesus called Christ? And why does Luke 3's "supposed" lineage of Jesus descend through Joseph & Nathan to Adam, son of plural God Are we talking two Josephs: Joseph, son of Heli... descending thru Nathan Jospeh, son of Jacob... ascending thru Solomon And two of Jesus, one Jesus...
  10. A

    Why does Matthew 1's lineage begin with Abraham, ascend through Solomon &

    Joseph unto the Jesus called Christ? And why does Luke 3's "supposed" lineage of Jesus descend through Joseph & Nathan to Adam, son of plural God Are we talking two Josephs: Joseph, son of Heli... descending thru Nathan Jospeh, son of Jacob... ascending thru Solomon And two of Jesus, one Jesus...
  11. A

    Im interested in wicca/peagnism, Where do I begin studying?

    There's just so much to learn, I don't know where to begin! I'm not into much witchcraft or having a book of shadows, but all of the other wiccan beleifs and nature worship really interest me. Where do I go from here? Also, please don't drop bible verses or hippie jokes. It won't make me...
  12. A

    Why does Matthew 1's lineage begin with Abraham, ascend through Solomon &

    Joseph unto the Jesus called Christ? And why does Luke 3's "supposed" lineage of Jesus descend through Joseph & Nathan to Adam, son of plural God Are we talking two Josephs: Joseph, son of Heli... descending thru Nathan Jospeh, son of Jacob... ascending thru Solomon And two of Jesus, one Jesus...
  13. A

    When does the Pretty Little Liars Marathon of the episodes so far begin?

    I know the new episode is on January 3, but isn't there a marathon of the first 10 or 11 episodes before then. I'm trying to DVR them for my sister.
  14. G

    If Rush's predictions are correct and Americans will begin to riot after

    Austerity measures are imposed here,? which side of the barricades will you be on? 1% of the population now owns more of the wealth than the bottom 90% combined, making our society begin to resemble Mexico and other Third World starvation pits and the American public will riot at some point...
  15. N

    When did hollywood treatment begin?

    Doing a report, was wondering when the special treatment to where celebrities were under the law began?
  16. F

    I'd like to begin selling my short stories to legitimate places. Does anyone have

    any suggestions? I prefer print buyers vs. online buyers. I basically just want to send stories in and see if they'll be bought.
  17. J

    I want to begin kungfu ( read description plz )?

    Can someone tell me where to begin in lebanon ? i cant find places in leb that trains kungfu on the net . iv seen one in the net and i didnt like it alot I am 12 years old so the place should have kids like me and not babies training with us -.-
  18. A

    Why does my blood begin to boil when i hear about any religion?

    I think i may have a problem. Its just seems so ridiculous to me
  19. M

    What phone companies begin with '355'?

    i want to know what phone company numbers, for example (sprint, at&t, Verizon, t-mobile, etc.), begin with '355'. another example i know that some numbers in t-mobile usually begin with '920'. but what about '355'? i don't know if this makes sense.
  20. A

    Why does Sasuke begin to hate Naruto so much in the anime Naruto.?

    Plus does Sasuke ever abandons his desire for revenge and reunites with his old friends Naruto and Sakura?