
  1. M

    Where do I begin taking legal action against Chrysler since my airbags

    didn't deploy during my wreck? My sister and I were coming home and we were going 40 mph, which is the speed limit on that road and she lost control around a curve which caused us to spin out of control and hit an electric pole at 40 mph. We were driving a 2006 PT Chrysler PT cruiser and our...
  2. 6

    Where do I begin? I want a future in Politics.?

    I am almost 18 and I am going to graduate next year. I am very passionate about politics and I consider myself a Liberatarian. I'm not really sure where to start.
  3. K

    Why does my ceiling fan begin to whine?

    I turn on the ceiling fan when I go to bed anytime between 10pm and midnight and some nights, not all, it begins to whine about 3 or 4 in the morning. I can turn it off and turn it back on or move it around and nothing changes, I just have to turn it off for the remainder of the night. When I...
  4. L

    I need a Civilization Timeline and whendid mythology end and religion begin?

    If you haven't noticed Mythology is still going.......It probably started before religion but its never stopped.
  5. B

    Google - how do you delete the past searches that come up when you begin to

    type on an Apple Mac Laptop!? on mac not windows or firefox. MACC
  6. A

    what time does the t.v show today on nbc begin?

    My mom wants to watch that news channel but i cant find out what time it begins if anyone know please help. thanks!
  7. D

    How do I begin to eat healthier?

    I am beginning to become more aware of healthier eating. I want to try to get educated about healthier foods and especially eliminating foods that contain artificial ingredients that are harmful. Are there any good websites or books to help me get on the right track?
  8. R

    what silly words begin with the letter "e"?

    funny words starting with the letter e
  9. S

    does medication for schizophrenia begin to be less effective after a period of time?

    my wife suffers from paranoid schizophrenia,she takes 4/5 mg a day of risperidone and ive noticed it`s not so effective as it used to be,and she used to be 3mg,her condition is not severe but there`s been a decline in her mental health over the last few months
  10. M

    When did VW begin production of the Sun Bug?

    In what year did production of the Sun Bug end?
  11. A

    What do I need to know to begin hiking?

    I'm a newbie. I want recommendations on what I should buy, where I should go, what I should bring, and anything else extra you may want to share. I'm not trying to buy really expensive, top-of-the-line items, but I'm not saying that I'm cheap. I live in Maryland, and I'm going to start hiking...
  12. M

    someone can tell me the complete plot of cadillac records how begin and how finish?

    That movie I found more like a documentary than an actual movie. I don't think theres a real "plot" to it, it's just the story of how Cadillac Records came to be.
  13. A

    When did you first begin to think about a future with your spouse?

    How long were you dating before you started thinking about the future (i.e. engagement, marriage, kids)? Were you just joking about it at first or were you serious from the beginning? Thanks!