
  1. A

    PLEASE HELP!! My dog won't stop barking!!?

    I have a 3 year old Cavoodle who barks at nothing! We leave him outside in the day from about 9-3 and he sleeps inside at night. He barks when we are in the pool and if he hears a dog barking in the distance (which is understandable, I guess!) A neighbour put their head over the fence today and...
  2. J

    my dog that just got spayed 3 days ago is whining and barking to go out?

    She wants to go out and play so bad, I know when she is bored but I am not letting her because she still needs to recover. What should I do?
  3. I

    My dog constantly keeps whining, crying and barking over everything?

    My three and a half year old beagle has become such a whiny thing lately. If he doesn't get anything his way he will just make so much noise! Normally he does it to my mother and me. I tell him no firmly over and over but he just gets louder. I've put him outside of the room he's doing it in but...
  4. C

    My puppy wont stop barking and whining in his crate its driving me nuts?

    what do i do, i cant take it!!!!
  5. P

    How to stop pup barking?

    My pups cry and bark, is there any way to stop them, any training techniques, should I get the shocking collar?
  6. A

    How do you get a dog to stop whining and barking when u leave him alone?

    I have a 3.5 month old miniature pinscher, and every time I leave him alone, whether it be five minutes or a couple hours, he will not stop whining, barking and yelping. How can I break him of this?
  7. C


    TO BARK HE WILL WHINE INSTEAD.? Hi, My name is Simon i have a question regarding my 3yrs old chihuahua namely Chronos, He looks really healthy and he doesnt have any problem with his body (thats what my vet says) the problem is he stopped from barking and instead when he wants to bark, He will...
  8. R

    What is the meaning of repeated bad dreams and dogs barking at night?

    Just few months ago, I had few repeated bad dreams like struggling against those bad spirits or entities with my family members & few relatives. Plus, what's bothering me now is our dogs are barking at night since the time I started to have a bad dreams. What does these mean? Shall I consult a...
  9. M

    do baby rabbits die from dog barking sounds?

    my baby rabbit expired today, so i wonder if he had a heart attack? : (
  10. Y

    how to stop a dog excessively guarding my house? barking at front door, running...

    ...around the yard? I have a 2 year old cocker spaniel who is constantly guarding my house, she runs up and down the perimeter of the back yard and she barks when people come to the house. the constant guarding of the house is a huge problem, at night she becomes frantic when possums come into...
  11. S

    Barking sound caused by coughing or laughing?

    This has been going on for awhile now and I don't know what it is. People say it's because I have dry airways, but I am constantly drinking and hydrated.Steamy showers and tea don't work either. What should I do, and am I wrong about what I think it is?
  12. S

    How can I stop my puppy from barking, whining, etc in his carrier on the train?

    Nico is a 6 month old Yorkie who we got almost a month ago. When we first got his carrier I worked with him for a few days before actually using it to help him feel calm inside and keep silent and soon he began jumping in tail wagging and excited without any problem. He even didn't mind at all...
  13. A

    I am so sick of my dog whining and barking, where can I purchase one of

    those electric shock collar thingys? And do they actually work?
  14. D

    Stop puppy savagely barking at moving cars!?

    my 15 week old border collie, jack Russel cross, seems to become savage when cars pass. we have tried distracting him with treats, calling his name but it doesnt seem to work? please help. its getting too much :( thanks
  15. S

    Why does my dog keep barking and whining.?

    It keeps barking at my door and whining
  16. B

    my baby Lab keeps whining and barking why?

    she is about 8 weeks old a lab and a german shepeard mix, she is constantly whining and barking at the door! is it becuase she misses her family? or is it becuase of the other dog? i have a boarder collie and husky mix dog witch is 7 years old! she is acting like she is the boss of the house and...
  17. S

    My puppy barking at strangers...never dealt with the flight response in dogs?

    He is 13 weeks now, my older Lab never barks at strangers randomly but if they yell she will growl or are scaring me/her in some way...she has kind of a fight response where if you trespass she isnt going to back down...yell and stomp all you want it just makes her lunge, throw her a
  18. E

    I received a police complaint regarding a barking dog when I don't own a dog!?

    This is the second time a neighbor has complained to the police about a barking dog but I do not own a dog or cat! Also, the date of the last complaint was for a week I was out of town! I used to own a dog but she passed away over a year ago. I came home today and there in my pile of mail is a...
  19. B

    puppy wont stop whining and barking when in crate?

    I just got my puppy 2 days ago. She is 10 weeks old and loves people. But when we put her in the crate to go to bed she was whining and then she whined and barked really loud and would not stop. It breaks my heart to hear her whine. My mom said to just ignore her and she'll go to bed, but idk if...
  20. A

    My 15 month old dog is suddenly whining and barking in her kennel at night.?

    I have had Stella for over a year now and for the past week she has been barking and whining hysterically in her kennel when I put her to bed at night. She dosen't sleep in my bed and never has and has always been really good about sleeping in her kennel at night until a week ago. I can't...