
  1. J

    How do you bargain hunt?

    How do you know you're really getting a good deal on something?
  2. K

    What was the corrupt bargain?

    It was during the Election of 1824. Doing Social Studies homework without a book!
  3. D

    Where can I look cute for a bargain?

    Anyone know any stores that have reletively low prices with cute/casual clothes? Thanks
  4. D

    Have you seen a better bargain than this on an online store (see link)? TheAnswerMan: I'm just surprised at the number of pages (6 pages). No Prob, Lydia. ;)
  5. H

    Landlords, how do you deal with applicants trying to bargain down your asking price?

    I am so fed up. I just got off the phone with someone giving me comparables in neighboring areas (not as nice as the one this rental is in) listing their price, square footage etc as if I care and as if I don't know (I'm a licensed real estate agent on top of owning the property that's for...
  6. H

    Is $150 a great bargain for a new Ralph Lauren wool coat?

    Is $150 a great bargain for a new Ralph Lauren wool coat? I've recently gotten myself a tan Ralph Lauren wool coat for $150 at Burlington Coat Factory and the coat goes down below my knees
  7. B

    Right, need some help finding a bargain decent car. Anyone?

    Im an international Student currently studying at the North East of England. I am looking for a cheap little bargain car around 500 Quid, any help with finding the right car for myself would be very much appreciated (might as well buy you dinner if im happy with the outcome lol).
  8. D

    Bargain luxury hotel in North of England?

    Looking for a bargain weekend away in North of England in a lovely hotel. Can anyone suggest any great offers/codes/vouchers that would help get some affordable luxury
  9. B

    Appliances discounted??? Am looking for a nice, but bargain stove /

    range. Does anyone know of any sites? We are moving into our first house and the costs are mounting. We are trying to find a decent stove pref. in black that is either new or reconditioned. Are there any sites out there that have deep discounts, scratch and dent etc?
  10. D

    I am being pressured into making a statement against my friends for a plea bargain?

    I have to make a statement and am being offered a plea bargain, what would you do? I cannot rat out my friends
  11. W

    Bargain anime still active?

    Bargain anime is the only place that has this poster I want: , does anyone know if its still active, they never responded to one of my emails, this is the last place for that poster that I can find T-T
  12. S

    Should Bernard Madoff be allowed to plea bargain without any jail time for himself?

    I think this criminal and all others who knowingly helped to maintain this crime of greed, should give up all their worldly possessions except the clothes they are wearing and do about 20 years in the slammer.
  13. Y

    What are some bargain stocks now?

    I'm about to go in for some SHORT-TERM return. I know all of them are risky, but which one has good chance of getting good return if we ever gonna have a rally in the next few weeks? I'm looking at: HIG BAC GS JPM AXP DOW....what else lol?
  14. G

    Three jokes for you, what a bargain?

    A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, 'I almost had an affair with another woman.' The priest said, 'What do you mean, almost?' The Irishman said, 'Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.' The priest said, 'Rubbing together is the same...
  15. Y

    Stocks: Time for bargain hunting?

    Obviously the market doesn't seem to have bottom out yet. But I'm looking for really short term return. Some I'm looking at JPM, MS, and some risky ones like HIG and GNW yay or nay? what's your pick?
  16. H

    Bargain hunters come forth and help me find a unique prom dress!?

    hi i live in the uk and am obsessed with designer clothes. only problem is of course, i can't afford it! but normally i can buy a few vivienne westwood/mcq/comme des garcons clothes when they're in the sale or whatever. prom is this summer, and i would just love a really unique beautiful dress...
  17. H

    Bargain hunters come forth and help me find the perfect designer prom dress!?

    hi i live in the uk and am obsessed with designer clothes. only problem is of course, i can't afford it! but normally i can buy a few vivienne westwood/mcq/comme des garcons clothes when they're in the sale or whatever. prom is this summer, and i would just love a really unique beautiful dress...
  18. E

    What's the best bargain or item you're most pleased you won on Ebay?

    I only discovered Ebay for myself early last year and am trying to curb my addiction a little! I have got some great bargains on there though - a pair of brand new, boxed Converse trainers for £12 and I'm currently awaiting arrival of a pair of James jeans (normally £150) which I won for £12.38...
  19. T

    How low for GE to be a bargain stock?

    I want to buy more GE stocks. How long should I wait. When I started buying this stock it was in the $20-30 range. Even at below $10, it seems like a bargain. Is it?
  20. M

    is a stock selling below it's book value considered a bargain?

    and how do you figure out the intrinsic value of a stock