What's the best bargain or item you're most pleased you won on Ebay?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I only discovered Ebay for myself early last year and am trying to curb my addiction a little!

I have got some great bargains on there though - a pair of brand new, boxed Converse trainers for £12 and I'm currently awaiting arrival of a pair of James jeans (normally £150) which I won for £12.38 (just hope they're genuine!)

I've also bought some really pretty home decor and craft items for fairly low prices, plus some vintage accessories.

What's the best bargain, or item you're most pleased with that you've got from Ebay?

Thanks in advance :)
Han87 - they've been worn once and from the pictures (close ups of the labels) they certainly look genuine. Seller has 100% positive feedback but I can spot a fake so will certainly be reporting to Ebay if they're not the real McCoy.