
  1. S

    According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is -..Very,...

    ...very..- popular with Chinese people? According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is "..Widly.." popular with Chinese people..? --- I have read Media reports that Barack 0bama is widly popular in Asia , Africa , America & entire world - How people around the the world...
  2. A

    Georgia Senator makes hole-in-one during his Monday round with President Barack Obama

    There is no better feeling for a golfer than taking a full swing only to watch your ball disappear in the bottom of the cup, but that feeling must be multiplied in the thousands if your foursome includes the leader of the free world. Saxby Chambliss, a Republican Senator from the state of...
  3. V

    Syrian Electronic Army Hacks AP, Sends Barack Obama Injured Tweet

    [No message]
  4. A

    Alabama visits President Barack Obama in the White House yet again

    Some inclement weather delayed Alabama's trip to the White House to visit President Barack Obama until Monday, but the BCS champion Crimson Tide made it. They knew how to get there. This was the celebration of Alabama's third national title in four years. "They are starting to learn their way...
  5. W

    Politics: Why exactly is Barack Obama a "thug," as some like to call him?

    Thus is a strong word. Gangbangers and drug dealers are thugs. Klansmen are thugs. Terrorists are thugs. A man who beats his family is a thug. You may dislike Obama's beliefs and policies, but how is he comparable to a criminal, considering that his foreign policy is almost identical to both...
  6. J

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes?

    Did Barack Obama use the Sandy Hook Shooting to push tax hikes? Does Barack Obama hate America? Does Barack Obama hate White people? Does Barack Obama hate Christians? Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Is Barack Obama similar to Hitler? Is Barack Obama the "Anti-Christ"? Is Barack Obama a...
  7. V

    Picture: Barack Obama Not Impressed

    Check out this Barack Obama not impressed picture. As you can see in the picture below, the President decided to copy McKayla Maroney’s famous pose from the Olympics. If you remember correctly, McKayla Marony’s not impressed face was originally as a result of not winning a gold medal...
  8. G

    Chris Rock Pitches Caucasians on a White President You Can Trust: Barack Obama

    It's high time we Chris Rock the vote, which is exactly what happened Friday night on Jimmy Kimmel Live when the politically savvy comic made the case that "Barack Obama is the white...
  9. G

    Madonna Booed by Fans After Endorsing Barack Obama During New Orleans Concert

    Madonna is making sure to leave each concert with a (not-so-great) memory. After recently taking a spill while on stage in Dallas, the controversial singer drew some boos from the crowd...
  10. G

    Barack Obama Zings Donald Trump on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

    Apparently President*Barack Obama*did hear about*Donald Trump's huuuge*announcement. "This all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya,"...
  11. G

    President Barack Obama on The Daily Show: Serious, With a Side of Joe Biden in a Wet

    Jon Stewart, while obviously a fan, didn't intend to look like a lightweight when President Barack Obama visited The Daily Show*tonight. So, in the 20 or so minutes he got of...
  12. G

    Glee's Darren Criss Performing for President Barack Obama's LGBT Fundraiser

    No, Darren Criss won't be singing "Happy Birthday." (At least we don't think so.) But he will be taking Pink's place—darn stomach flu—as the headliner for...
  13. M

    Who is more handsome? Barack Obama or Tom Cruise?

    If someone had a gun against your head and you had to vote...
  14. G

    Do Christians still believe Barack Obama is the anti Christ?

    Do you guys still believe that Obama is the anti Christ or have you moved on to someone else? Let me guess... you probably think Newt Gingrich is the anti Christ now, because he has a weird name, and his wife looks like an alien. @ sjjna: I don't like Obama!
  15. G

    Black Americans: Barack Obama vs. Herman Cain?

    I need input... I've been hearing a lot of non-Blacks discuss Herman Cain and a belief that Black people vote along color lines - they agree with Cain's speculation that he can pull 20-30% of the Black vote. I call BS. Colin Powell might steal some votes that would go to president Obama, but...
  16. T

    Is Barack Obama the Anti-Christ?

    My parents think so and I'm on the fence about this. What do you think?
  17. P

    My neighbor started a rumor that Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein? Should

    i report him to He needs to get the facts. We need to fight the right-wing smears about president Obama.
  18. T

    Do you think Barack Obama was smart not to choose John Edwards to be his

    Running Mate in 2008? John Edwards was pressuring Barack Obama hard to be his Running Mate, but Barack Obama said no. At the time some people were saying that Obama was making a mistake. But when all the stuff about the John Edwards Affair surfaced, people were saying that it was good that...
  19. T

    What does whining about Barack Obama and "socialism" every day on Yahoo! Answers

    What does whining about Barack Obama and "socialism" every day on Yahoo! Answers accomplish? He's not going to just resign and go home, you know.
  20. 1

    Is it funny that Barack Obama is defending Republican policies against the Left?

    The America-hating Left? They refuse to acknowledge that Republcan policies will get us strong economy again, like it was up until 2007 when Democrats took office, disastrous results in 2008?