
  1. R

    Atheist Fundies: If a cow laughed hard, would milk come out of her nose?

    Did an atheist fundie scientist invent milk too? What possessed him to look at cows teats and as proclaim I think I'll pull on those and drink whatever comes out!
  2. R

    Does anyone else hear heavenly bells when atheist fundies speak?

    Like the ones on a garbage truck when it backs up.
  3. H

    Atheist, did you give up on arguing with or debating Christians?

    I did. I was confronted with the subject today after someone referred to atheists negatively. I spoke up and said that I was an atheist. They then started asking me the same old questions using the same logical fallacies and circular reasoning. At this point it isn't even worth my time to...
  4. R

    Do atheist fundies make you laugh?

    They go on and on like they really know if god does or does not exist, like someone who can tell butter from I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Like anybody actually believes that… Like when I get asked by atheists do I believe in god.. and I answer I don’t know I’m agnostic. They get a look on...
  5. J

    Dear Atheist how come you laugh at creationism when its proven ascientifically ?

    [edit] Nature Adolf Zeising, whose main interests were mathematics and philosophy, found the golden ratio expressed in the arrangement of branches along the stems of plants and of veins in leaves. He extended his research to the skeletons of animals and the branchings of their veins and nerves...
  6. R

    What has Cruising around the Atheist Fundie Sea O’ Blog revealed to you?

    An agnostic sees an atheist as someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing. The atheist fundies never understood; An open mind does not always require an open mouth. And is ridicule the only weapon an agnostic can use against unintelligible propositions. Banging...
  7. R

    What has Cruising around the Atheist Fundie Sea O’ Blog revealed to you?

    An agnostic sees an atheist as someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing. The atheist fundies never understood; An open mind does not always require an open mouth And is ridicule the only weapon an agnostic can use against unintelligible propositions.
  8. J

    Dear Atheist, why did you consider all religion as bad as christianity ?

    I understand that your may have traumatic experience with religion in the past may be they have wrongly taught the holy scripture into you, or something else.... but would you reconsider or think about other alternative... ? i mean... think about it, any word that begin with letter "a" is...
  9. R

    Do atheist fundies consider Atheos Fun Deius the anti-noodle?

    Why is he always pictured with limp noodles and 2 meatballs in his mouth, his chin dripping with marinara sauce. Will the FSM ever be able to fly again?
  10. R

    Has an atheist fundie ever plowed a field by turning it over in your mind?

    That's why God will never die because you will not get up off your ass and do anything but complain. And here your not even making a noise just churning out crap that lasts for 10 minutes and then it's forgotten.
  11. S

    The Atheist Teacher (Please star if you liked the joke)?

    A young woman teacher with obvious liberal tendencies explains to her class of small children that she is an atheist. She asks her class if they are atheists too. Not really knowing what atheism is but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks...
  12. R

    Does the atheist religion have a god and a place to activity pursue him with zeal?

    SO it seems an atheist can no more discribe god than they can discribe the inside of a black hole ... two sided assertion :) Not that an atheist fundie would ever cherry pick definitions like they do the bible but what if..... We used real dictionary definitions to define the atheist religion...
  13. A

    for christians and atheist?

    It seems to me that atheist don't want christians to have freedom of religion and christians don't want atheist to have freedom of speech. Sound about right? Oh, and neither one of you has a clue what your talking about.
  14. W

    Why is it that 90% of religion bashers are atheist or agnostic?

    I meant bashing all religions (not leaving one out unbashed).
  15. D

    I used to be atheist,but i decided to accept Christ into my life.?

    what are the steps i have to take?what are the steps i have to take?
  16. R

    So if atheist funides have not evolved then it must stand to reason they...

    ...were created does it not? If so who created atheism. What is the atheist fundie creationist story? Who were the first two atheists? Did they like apples? Apples no no already been done... Watermelon perhaps?
  17. R

    Did atheist fundies evolve from the ancient chinese atheism or were they like a

    splinter group? Given the Theory of evolution it only stands to reason that a north american non-belief would have evolved from a much older non-belief system like the Chinese.There is much evidence of Chinese Atheism to this day and both Russia and China share an atheist state of no religion...
  18. R

    Its is said you can't be an atheist without a good sense of humor right?

    Have a chuckle: Quotations "An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support" "By night an atheist half believes a God" "No one has ever died an atheist" "There are no theists in the foxholes, they are full of atheists scared to die." Smile its just yahoo ask.... What..... you don't...
  19. R

    Why can't Christians and Atheist accept each others belief system? And not...

    ...try to convert them in either? Direction?
  20. I

    Have you noticed that when an atheist posts a question, Christians don't read... fully and just post bible..? verses?