
  1. M

    Ugh, I'm tired of being a closet atheist. How do I break the news to fundie...

    ...parents..? that I'm not a believer anymore? They will be heart broken to realize that their darling daughter whom they raised, loved, cared for and taken care of has "left the truth to wallow in darkness" and they will be worried sick about my "soul that will land in hell". I don't know how...
  2. S

    Is it true that atheist are sex crazed individuals?

    Something I heard. Curious to see what the hell their talking about? are you talking about? I like how you just made that assumption. Humans.
  3. A

    Can I live my life as a Muslim one day and an atheist the next?

    how to use ps2 emulator n does all types of game for ps2 can be play at ps2 emulator? ps2 emulator
  4. J

    as an atheist did christians know i could make my own bible and prophecies...

    ...and make people believe it? as long as its vague like the bible.
  5. I

    Christians:will Atheist population execede that of religion?

    I was having a debate with an atheist freind when we got into the old "will Atheist grow" thingy, well he said it will become the biggest in the world but i say that it will never reach above the 10% mark. What are your opinions on it, and if you can please can you tell me some facts? i say...
  6. A

    Why is it when we disagree with an atheist or pagan we have to be a christian?

    Do I look like a christian?
  7. R

    If you are an atheist, would you be interested in an HTML code which allows you

    to post any question you want? I have the html code, but only atheists can have it; all others unwelcome. (I will send it by email.) it's not friggen malware. i noticed questions werent posting lately due to a yahoo bias against atheists no you cant "post any question you want" ive been...
  8. B

    Christian - if an atheist came to bible study and argued against the bible would you?

    throw him/her out of the building or would you listen?
  9. L

    Why do Atheist mock the Christian life?

    However, when Christians mock your lifestyle, y'all get all defensive. Yes, we sin. Christians are not perfect. We don't claim to be! Yall think y'all are better cause live life non-hypocritically? What's non-hypocritical about it? Thinking your better or trying to shove it in a christians face...
  10. D

    if you are a christian, and your brother decided to be a atheist?

    an at last you are saved, but your brother beinq banished to hell because of his final decision to be a atheist. won't you feel sad somethimes in heaven too, because of missinq him, your brother is your family members he is your loved one you must think about him...
  11. R

    I'm an atheist in a christian school.?

    Hello, I'm 13 and an outspoken atheist. My atheism is very important to me and I'm also a very strong atheist. The problem I face is that I am in a christian school so I have to sit through teachings etc etc about God and be told what is right and what is wrong. My family is also christian so I...
  12. R

    How can an Atheist start a loving relationship with Christ?

    Also which would work better his and hers lubricants or Astroglide. "lol lol" by the way that was my thumbs up and thought you don't approve of my anal relationship with Christ i respect your opinion
  13. C

    RANT: Warning Atheist ranting on Atheist?

    This is a personal opinion and opinion only. Atheism is a belief system. Why? Because there is no single way to be an atheist. Multiple philosophies on a similar theological stance would be a belief system. To often I see atheist tell Christians what atheism is, and that is fairly narrow minded...
  14. I

    R&S AHEISTS: As religionistas often complain when an atheist asks a question on

    R&S more than one time, do you? think that's fair, considering they've been telling the same ol', same ol' for 2,000 years, and only in recent years been seriously challenged? Hats off to Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, et. al. @I'm a nice... you miss the point entirely. This...
  15. K

    Why Is Trying To Debate Religious People and Zealous Atheist Like Arguing With a

    Parrot? I swear, even when their claims have been debunked, they will continue spewing them out. It's like if you drew a circle and asked them what shape it is and they say "square". And even after you have explained to them that a square is not round and instead has edges, they insist that it...
  16. O

    My atheist, lesbian daughter, Mary, is trying to get me certified as insane, but

    won't the courts take...? her atheism into account and disregard any "evidence" she may bring up against me? edit: I am NOT a clone and why are some of you being so hateful? Lighten up, OK?
  17. N

    today is my birthday and my biggest wish is for at least one atheist to get saved...?

    well, which one of you is it gonna be?
  18. A

    why do atheist and christians always argue!?

    christians you will never change the mind of an atheist and a atheist will never change the mind of a christian... this is a battle that have been going on since the bible first made it's appearance, be it as ancient as some say or recent as others say. the bottom lie is be you a atheist or a...
  19. S

    Atheist and evolutionist, why do you wrongly think HOMO SAPIENS belong to the...

    ...animal kingdom? And don't you dare try to use the binomial nomenclature on me! I've heard it countless times before! Linnaeus was a Christian and creationist! And even though he started doubting God by the end of his observations, and supported evolution with his findings originally meant to...
  20. S

    Atheist and evolutionist, why do you wrongly think HOMO SAPIENS belong to the...

    ...animal kingdom? And don't you dare try to use the binomial nomenclature on me! I've heard it countless times before! Linnaeus was a Christian and creationist! And even though he started doubting God by the end of his observations, and supported evolution with his findings originally meant to...