
  1. A

    a farewell to arms question?

    where in the book does catherine barkley tell henry that she would not mind if he got another girl if she died, as long as the girl does not replace her/have the same connection the two of them had? LOL it's okay, I found the page with the help of sparknotes XD
  2. N

    Best fitness plan for abs and arms?

    Well I've been building arms and its going pretty good but I know you need to eat a lot for arms but I know you need to eat less for abs im not sure what to do -_-
  3. J

    What is a great fitness video for your arms?

    I'm looking for a dvd that shows a variety of arm routines.
  4. G

    I smoked a spliff today and i thought i was a tree. was that **** laced? my arms

    were they were numb. omg what do think it was laced with?
  5. M

    on my 1966 mustang, how do you adjust the push rods/rocker arms correctly?

    Trying to adjust my push rods, whats the proper way to adjust them on a 1966 mustang small block, 289 motor
  6. M

    on my 1966 mustang, how do you adjust the push rods/rocker arms correctly?

    Trying to adjust my push rods, whats the proper way to adjust them on a 1966 mustang small block, 289 motor
  7. A

    Whenever I do the dishes, I start to itch everywhere! I'm talking legs, arms,

    scalp, feet, etc. Am I allergic? and if so what is in the soap that causes a reaction? I've used tons of different soaps and it's always the same thing. I'm the one who always does the dishes so I'd like to know if there is a product I could use and not itch everywhere for hours. Thanks!
  8. Z

    which wild arms game is worth getting for the ps2?

    which of the wild arms games between wild arms 1 all the way up to wild arms 5 are worth getting?
  9. M

    combat arms account for trade?

    its a MSG3 with good stuff 1 perm and 4k gp i am trading this account for 1 thing and please trade no scammers a runescape account has to have 60+ range or just combat level 80+ with 3m please trade i have been wanting to trade for a long time now
  10. L

    Can I lubricate or have a mechanic lubricate my control arms and joints?

    I just recently asked a question about a creaking noise my car makes when it's steering. It was determined that I may need new control arms and ball joints soon. It will cost me $800 to fix, which I don't have right now, and wont have it for the next couple of weeks. I read on the internet that...
  11. A

    fingers, arms and legs splotchy..? help!!?

    ok so i realized that this happens more in the winter, fall and spring. but every now and then my fingers get reallyyy red (that happens everyday) everyone always asks me what it is and idk. my legs get splotchy too a lot. and sometimes my arms. i asked my doctor what it was and she said its not...
  12. D

    What page/chapter does Rinaldi from Farewell to Arms discuss his syphilis?

    He is drunk and talking about how its just a stupid bump?
  13. D

    What page/chapter does Rinaldi from Farewell to Arms discuss his syphilis?

    He is drunk and talking about how its just a stupid bump?
  14. J

    would I get my arms muscled by doing push-ups?

    hey, i'm a girl and i would want to learn how to make perfect push-ups... would I get my arms muscled by doing so? or does weight matters when you would want to learn to make some perfect push-ups? i'm quite fat and i find it a bit harder to do some push-ups since i find myself heavy and i...
  15. C

    Do you flap your arms up to Heaven the moment you die, or do you awake on

    judgment day and then flock up? If it's the latter, then people lied about NDE's (saying they went through a tunnel or saw relatives surrounded by light).
  16. S

    My husband is complaining of aching under arms. What could cause this pain?

    He has had this for about 3 weeks and doctors do not seem to be concerned about it. He was recently in the ER and had a chest xray and tons of blood work done showing nothing out of the norm. He is convinced there is something wrong with him, and because this is in an area around his lymph node...
  17. H

    how can i stop my pumping arms while cantering a horse?

    ok, so the other day i was in a horseshow. my mom video taped me riding so i could see what i looked like and how my form was. im a really good equitation rider at the walk and trot but when it comes to arms pump!!! how can i stop this?? i ride 1 or 2 times a week so im thinking...
  18. H

    how can i stop my pumping arms while cantering a horse?

    ok, so the other day i was in a horseshow. my mom video taped me riding so i could see what i looked like and how my form was. im a really good equitation rider at the walk and trot but when it comes to arms pump!!! how can i stop this?? i ride 1 or 2 times a week so im thinking...
  19. F

    What dumbbell exercises do I have to do in order to have muscular arms?

    I started lifting dumbbells a few weeks ago. The exercise that I've been doing is the on where you start out holding each dumbbell at the side (with your hands hanging). Then you lift each dumbbell up to your chest and slowly back down. Is it enough if I do just this exercise? Or do I had to...
  20. F

    What dumbbell exercises do I have to do in order to have muscular arms?

    I started lifting dumbbells a few weeks ago. The exercise that I've been doing is the on where you start out holding each dumbbell at the side (with your hands hanging). Then you lift each dumbbell up to your chest and slowly back down. Is it enough if I do just this exercise? Or do I had to...