
  1. P

    Do you guys think this is enough variation in my bicep workout to get big arms?

    I do the following, usually substituting one exercise per workout for another: Preacher Curls Dumbbell Curls Cable Curls Chin Ups Standing EZ Curl Bar Curls Ive heard that variation is the key, and my arms have been growing, but have any tips?
  2. S

    So this couple have a baby; when it's born, it's nothing but a head. No arms, legs

    or torso? But they love it very much, and they name it Jimmy. Obviously it requires around the clock, state-of-the-art medical care to keep Jimmy alive, but the couple endures this for fifteen years. They finally get the chance for a much-needed vacation: a Caribbean cruise. On the cruise...
  3. T

    Do i have to eat less & healthy & workout more, to achieve lean ripped abs & arms?

    Do i have to eat less & healthy & workout more, to achieve lean ripped abs & arms? I'm 16 and i only see my 6 pack abs when i flex or exhale really hard... why?
  4. A

    Purple and red dots all over my arms?

    I have purple and red dots all over my arm. Its not from dry skin cuz i put lotion on at least two times a day. But i have always had these dots/bumps on my arms. but recently they have gotten worse and are always purple and red. Any ideas what its from? any ideas on how to get rid of it?
  5. F

    2008 US weapons sales up 45% from 2007 --- Is an arms race in our future?

    I probably should have mentioned that those are sales to foreign countries...
  6. S

    What are some excersizes my 26 year old sister do to tone her arms?

    She said maybe 3 times a week,using dumbells and/or her body only. No big time wieghtlifting. Just at home excersizing,any ideas for what she could do?
  7. R

    I've gained muscles on my arms (female) and all I do is use my excersise

    bike (45 mins)? Is this normal? I am overweight but it looks like I've worked out on my arms but I haven't really. I haven't lost much weight but I definately have become more toned.