
  1. S

    According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is -..Very,...

    ...very..- popular with Chinese people? According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is "..Widly.." popular with Chinese people..? --- I have read Media reports that Barack 0bama is widly popular in Asia , Africa , America & entire world - How people around the the world...
  2. K

    Are you glad 0bama is so smart he doesn't need to meet face to face with the

    Secuity of US, just get...? a briefing? In the first five months of 2012, a PDB was listed on Obama’s schedule just 58 days, or 38 percent of the time, the report says. The group claims former President George W. Bush almost always had a briefing on his public docket...
  3. A

    How much of 0bama's Power Lust,is a result of having both parents essentially

    abandon him? Of course his Father flat out abandoned him,yet in his book he still seems to worship the man.And mom just dumped him off on Grandma so she could go write about peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia or some ridiculous,useless shit. That has to mess a kid up,to know beyond a doubt that...
  4. K

    If you could make 0bama keep one campaign promise would it be this;?

    My Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition‘ if Economy Doesn’t Turn Around in ‘3 Years’ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/obama-flashback-my-presidency-will-be-a-one-term-proposition-if-economy-doesnt-turn-in-3-years/
  5. J

    0bama referred to as *cool* and Romney referred to as *old fashioned*?

    When will Americans deal with leadership qualities, ethics, proven experience and on the straight and narrow for qualities needed in a POTUS?
  6. C

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    He'd turn in his own mother to get a sentence deal so if he has anything...yes. He's slime.
  7. K

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

  8. B

    president 0bama use to say "yes we can!" why did he stop saying it?

    is his 2012 motto "no i can't?"
  9. B

    does 0bama have a good sense of humor?

    Obama gets laughs at Kennedy Center Honors http://news.yahoo.com/obama-gets-laughs-kennedy-center-honors-000644793.html or does his writers and telepromter get credit for it?
  10. B

    will 0bama new sanctions on iran be enough to deter them or will they order there

    iphone threw 3rd party? 0bama is going all out this time, while the black market for apple products sore in america and most items are exported and sold out of country at windfall profits. the next stop to deter irans nuclear program may force president 0bama into using harsh language,
  11. M

    why did Baraq Hussein 0bama make this statement about capitalism at a

    recent fund raiser? "Capitalism as a whole will now be destroyed, the whole people will now be free. We are not fighting Jewish or Christian capitalism, we are fighting every capitalism: we are making the people completely free"
  12. A

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

  13. I

    What do you think of 0bama's "MORE OF THE SAME" tour in Califonia?

  14. A

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

  15. J

    Did any one ask for the latest 0bama approval ratings? LOL sad isn't it?

    RCP Average5/8 - 6/1--52.043.3 +8.7 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president_obama_job_approval-1044.html
  16. P

    Did 0bama mastermind the bin Laden assisination when he was playing golf or

    when he was on vacation? Or did the CIA do it?
  17. 0

    About 27% say America is on the right path under 0bama. Why do almost all whites

    say we're on the wrong path? ... and why do almost all minorities say we're on the right path ? --- A huge piece of that 27% comes from minorities who love 0bama and who serve the Dems.
  18. L

    Who would win in a throwdown between Michelle 0bama and Gina Carano or MMA?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gina_Carano Would Carano bail out of the ring when she saw Michelle O's linebacker shoulders? * of MMA Dick: Were your lib buddies laughing so hard that they dripped tears into their lattes?
  19. H

    Did dear leader 0-bama extend his vacation because even he realizes that a ship...

    ...with no captain is better off? than a ship with him as the captain?
  20. T

    Will 0bama's meeting with top world CEO's be broadcast on C-SPAN or is this too, too?

    This is more important than Cheney's meeting with Petroleum Industry executives.None of us lay people would understand I suppose. Your thoughts please.Will they discuss the security threats presented by dangerous WIKILEAKS?