Recent content by Yiska

  1. Y

    About Martial Arts, what's it like?

    I'm thinking of enrolling on a Korean Martial Arts school called "Kuk Sool Won". But I've been wondering, whats it like being in a Martial Arts school? I consider myself a fast learner. And I also heard about the "tournament"? What's that like? Is it obligatory? Do they rush you? Do you get...
  2. Y

    Which religion teaches raping a girl of other religion is the greatest

    ... The only things I can think of are ancient beliefs: Some ancient people had the bride spend her first night with a priest or other man who wasn't her husband. Carthaginian fathers 'initiated' their daughters into womanhood by raping them.
  3. Y

    how does a lesbian rap another girl and what kind of drugs do they use

    Um, okay, it is totally possible for a girl to use the body of another girl. You don't need to have dick! If the rapist penned the other girl down...well, can't you see how it WOULD be possible?
  4. Y

    Religion Question...?

    Two more points! Level three, here I come! I'm a Norse Pagan--not Asatru, not Teutonic/Norse Wicca. Just a follower of the Aesir. My religion is Vegetarianism. You're not gonna try to convert me now, are you?
  5. Y

    TO ALL: Given the sections name, how would you compare / contrast religion and

    Religion is established dogma, a bunch of people telling you who to worship, how to worship, what to think, etc. Spirituality is more like, you believe what you believe--I mean, you don't have to 'brainwash' yourself to fit into someone else's idea of how to live, think, worship, etc.