how does a lesbian rap another girl and what kind of drugs do they use


New member
Jul 16, 2008
i really dont get it how does a lesbian rape another girl and why do they do that they have a pussy not a dick its so not possible
Non-consentual sex is rape...period. 9 times out of 10 rape is not about sex it is about power, so the presence of male genitalia is not necessary. Rape is rape regardless of who what where when how and should never be taken lightly : )
Um, okay, it is totally possible for a girl to use the body of another girl. You don't need to have dick!

If the rapist penned the other girl down...well, can't you see how it WOULD be possible?
Probably depends on your legal jeristiction. And what they consider rape. To me any forced action on somebody else is wrong weather you want to call it rape, molestation, asault ect. I mean another ? you could ask is how could a girl rape a guy. And once again that goes into the stuff i talked about it. If something is happening to you physically against your will it's a form of physical rape. And then there's the mental & emotional form. I mean i can say a girl raped my heart. Or that person raped me financially. Or that man raped my childhood. Or i was raped by the government. It basicly means taking something away with you having no choice in the matter. So like i said it depends upon where you live & what they consider rape to be. Whether a penus is neccisary for the courts to consider something rape is up to them.