Baby?s meals and snacks: 3 habits to avoid


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Baby?s meals and snacks: 3 habits to avoid
[SIZE=-1] To save time or effort, these bad little habits can easily sneak into your baby?s meal and snack routine. Don?t let them. They can put your baby at risk.
--Make your baby a backseat diner. Don?t give him food while he?s in his car seat, which can be a blind spot, especially if he?s still facing rearward. In other words, always supervise your baby when he?s eating. Feed your baby before leaving home or stop for a snack if he gets hungry. (See tips to prevent a choking hazard.)
--Feed your baby from the jar (or yogurt container) and then put the uneaten portion in the refrigerator. Harmful bacteria from your baby?s mouth can multiply in the jar. Solution: Throw it out.
If your baby is likely to eat less than a full jar, spoon a portion into a bowl and put the jar in the refrigerator for later. You generally can keep already-opened jars in the fridge for up to three days in the case of fruits and vegetables, one day for meats, and two days for meat and vegetable combos. Date open jars with a permanent marker. (See keeping baby's food safe.)
--Put an unfinished bottle of breast milk or baby formula*in the refrigerator for another time. To protect your baby from potentially harmful bacteria that can fester in the liquid, toss it and start fresh. And don?t leave breast milk or formula out for more than two hours.
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