Is the only mental skill that religions teach people, simply believing stuff?


May 20, 2008
You know, people aren’t encouraged to think about the stuff they’re being told to believe, they’re not encouraged to question it to better understand it and they’re certainly not encouraged to challenge its validity – they’re encouraged to just accept without question that it’s the truth. Is this one of the main ways that religion reduces the overall level of mental proficiency within the populace?
Only if you don't believe.
I define the mental proficiency of a group as the ability to make decisions based on the facts that they know,
And Christians know what they believe.
Why would an understanding lower the value?
Religion alters the level of understanding of mores.
You've also failed to mention the mental skill of turning something that is beautiful and natural into something evil, dirty and wrong! I'm talking about sex baby!!! The limits that religion puts on sexual relationships is just plane wrong and unnatural!!