What Hollywood actor wants to be the first to portray a Gitmo detainee, as...


New member
May 30, 2008
...a victim, in a "A" Hollywood movie? Will it be Sean Penn, Timothy Sarandon or Danny Glover?

Will the liberal entertainment industry attempt to rewrite history, through distorted propaganda movies and Michael Moore type documentaries, to portray terrorist as victims of fascism?
Timmy!- was Che's murdering innocent people necessary to place your hero Castro, in power? Why does Castro hold his people prisoner in their own country, comrade?

Are you saying you support the over-throw of Batistas by Castro?
will Timmy normally plays some sort of a prison "victim" and since he can't get any other work I'm sure he'll jump at it

However Sean Penn is really good at playing an inmate as he has been one himself several times, oddly enough usually for assault!

I just don't see Glover in the roll
probably sean penn. he already has experience in portraying our troops as murderous rapists in casualties of war.
Of course they will, they have already convinced many voters of falsehoods. California is trying to control D.C.

I would have to say George Clooney.
They're ALL traitorous liberal cun+s.

F president Buckwheat and his hollywood lackeys.
Arnold Schwartzenegger with Fred Thompson playing his sympathetic military attorney.
Ron Silver already has the terrorist beard! He looks like a terrorist. He looks muslim. It's all so clear now. I now believe with all of my heart, and no proof what-so-ever, that Ron Silver is a muslim terrorist!!!! I finally understand conseratives!!!!!! I'm going to church now!!!!!!!!
The Road to Guantanamo had unknowns as actors.

Quite a good movie and well received critically.
It will probably be Penn. Moore is way too fat to be a Gitmo detainee. He could pass as a Little Debbie detainee though.
The question should be, which one of them will play a victim of Batista's death squads? Or maybe you think Cuba was fine when it was a giant money laundering & prostitution ring run by the CIA & mafia.

Guantanamo Bay is an illegal base, and should be closed.
Sean Penn. To bad we can't send him over to fight in either Afghanistan or Iraq to gain some "first-hand" knowledge.
I hate to say this but what is coming is another 9/11. These terror groups are seeing that the leader of the U.S. is soft on destroying them. As Biden said, "There will be a crisis within Obama's first 6 months", and only then will people wake up and once again realize what we are dealing with.
The terror groups are just chomping at the bit now. They see this new administration as weak. As a lioness who stalks it's prey then pounces, they are stalking us now and soon they will pounce.
Benicio Del Toro. He did such a convincing job portraying the mass murderer Che as the patron saint of child killers; playing a terrorist as a victim should be easy in comparison.