
  1. P

    Should we torture and send Buford Rogers to GITMO, the right winged terrorist

    whose attack was thwarted? Buford Rogers who is a part of the right winged Militia wanted to bomb Government buildings in a small town in Minnesota, however the FBI thwarted his attempt. Taking the cons logic we should not read him his Miranda rights and forget about his right to due process and...
  2. E

    ever notice how libs haven't complaining about gitmo since January 20, 2009?

    why is that? they screamed about it for 7yrs from January 2002 until January 20, 2009. then all of the sudden they just stopped talking about it altogether.
  3. J

    Obama kept the Patriot Act, the Iraq/Afghanistan wars going, Gitmo open

    & Corporate Welfare. Is he Bush 3? And if he is, why those who opposed Bush like him, and those who liked Bush oppose him? Are we being played by "two parties" who are really just one party?
  4. W

    Why do Cons complain about Obama for NOT: closed Gitmo, ending war(s),...

    ...economy, jobs, taxes, etc.? Those things are still in place from President Bush, and you thought it was great then didn't you. Mj?lnir you almost made it, you copped to constant ridicule of Obama but you go back on blaming Obama, can you deny the GOP attempt to destroy Obama at all cost...
  5. L

    Gitmo still open, still in Iraq/Afghan, and no tax hikes on the evil rich?

    How let down are the liberals?
  6. I

    Why is Cheney still fearmongering about releasing innocent people from Gitmo?

    Ex-Bush admin official: Many at Gitmo are innocent By ANDREW O. SELSKY, Associated Press Writer Andrew O. Selsky, Associated Press Writer – 40 mins ago SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Many detainees locked up at Guantanamo were innocent men swept up by U.S. forces unable to distinguish enemies from...
  7. L

    Did u hear that some Gitmo prisoners r 2 b released here?

    About 240 terrorism suspects, including suspected planners of the September 11 attacks, are being held in the prison. Many of these can't be re-patriated to their horrid countries of origin so they'll be released here. Is this right/fair/ethical/or ???????
  8. B

    Should the Gitmo terrorists be put to sleep?

    Should the terrorists at Gutranamo Bay be put to sleep? Releasing them only risks another 9/11 attack
  9. J

    What should we do with the scum at Gitmo when Obama closes it?

    I have two suggestions. 1. Drop them off in their home countries... from 30,000 feet with no chute. 2. They want to be suicide bombers so we should grant them their wish. Strap them to the bunker buster bombs and drop them on terrorist targets. What do you think? If you say to just release...
  10. G

    Why are people crying about gitmo bay closing?

    Come on people, more than half of the prisoners have been released. There's only 270 prisoners left. The guards have been torturing and sexually abusing the prisoners. Not all of them are guilty. This place needs to be closed down. The U.S. locks up 700 terrorists. It doesn't even matter...
  11. T

    Obama said he is concerned about ¨fair trials¨for the people at Gitmo...?

    Shouldn´t Obama be tried for Treason if the people AREN´T tried. I have real DOUBTS Obama is even going to ALLOW trials for ANY Muslim! Terrorist in their own right or NOT!
  12. S

    What Hollywood actor wants to be the first to portray a Gitmo detainee, as...

    ...a victim, in a "A" Hollywood movie? Will it be Sean Penn, Timothy Sarandon or Danny Glover? Will the liberal entertainment industry attempt to rewrite history, through distorted propaganda movies and Michael Moore type documentaries, to portray terrorist as victims of fascism? Timmy!- was...
  13. S

    Should maybe the Gitmo Prisoners going to be dumped in Hollywood, seeing how...

    ...they all wanted Obama in power? Now they should deal with all the leftovers?