
  1. N

    how did the film Lincoln portray history?

    Was it accurate?
  2. M

    Maybe it was funny at first for commercials & tv shows to portray the guys...

    ...as dumb & girls as smart, but...? when is the nonsense going to stop? it's getting old, & people are starting to believe that bs... men have invented your car, computer you're using, & smartphone you just texted on, what have women invented? & before you say something like "making babies"...
  3. M

    maybe it was funny at first for commercials & tv shows to portray the guys as dumb

    maybe it was funny at first for commercials & tv shows to portray the guys as dumb & girls as smart, but...? when is the nonsense going to stop? it's getting old, & people are starting to believe that bs... men have invented your car, computer you're using, & smartphone you just texted on...
  4. M

    Is Nicotine really as addictive as the government portray it to be?

    I've been experimenting with supposedly addictive substances for a while now, nothing illegal, just your common alcohol, nicotine and caffeine and i'm rather surprised with my results. My latest experiment was on nicotine, I decided to smoke on average 10 - 15 cigarettes per week for a few...
  5. J

    Riddle: Who am I? I hate the way they portray us in the media...?

    After Katrina?
  6. L

    why do some women like to portray that generally women too have a tough time

    trying to dodge men who? want more than just sex. last time i checked, it was i mean do women have a dearth of men who are willing to have just sex with them and not call them back? get real.
  7. E

    Why do some portray Jesus Christ the Son of GOD, as brown or black? And...

    ...then spout bigotry at all who know? IS THE FACT that black and brown people as many whites doe not know History is why? Why? They do not know the truth of the Exodus of Jerusalem! Is because they do not know History or do they feel when they look at truth Jesus Becomes the White God of the...
  8. E

    Why do so many websites and organizations portray JESUS CHRIST as a brown man, or

    Black? Archeology has proven time and again that the original founders of Greece and Rome and Jerusalem/Israel were Red haired as David and lambs wooled Haired as the Messiah Jesus Christ, even on the temple of Qumran the jewish sect of Priests the priest on the moral has Blond Hair! So why do...
  9. A

    WRITERS: how does an author portray this?

    Do you know when you are Reading, and something really exciting happened and you are biting down you lip trying not to smile, but you are anyways. How does an author portray this. What does he/she do to get this reaction?
  10. M

    What is an interesting way to portray a female beat reporter in my screenplay?

    I'm looking for style and tone more than character definition.
  11. J

    Who will portray Cary Grant in the rumored bio-movie of his life?

    George Clooney or Chris Noth?
  12. J

    Who will portray Cary Grant in the rumored bio-movie of his life?

    George Clooney or Chris Noth?
  13. J

    Who will portray Cary Grant in the rumored bio-movie of his life?

    George Clooney or Chris Noth?
  14. T

    American Action Films Continue To Portray Female Heroines As The Weaker Sex

    Despite an increase in tough and even violent female characters in American films, women continue to be shown as sidekicks to more dominant male heroes and they are also frequently involved in a romantic relationship with them. The work of Katy Gilpatric, from the Department of Social Sciences...
  15. T

    American Action Films Continue To Portray Female Heroines As The Weaker Sex

    Despite an increase in tough and even violent female characters in American films, women continue to be shown as sidekicks to more dominant male heroes and they are also frequently involved in a romantic relationship with them. The work of Katy Gilpatric, from the Department of Social Sciences...
  16. T

    American Action Films Continue To Portray Female Heroines As The Weaker Sex

    Despite an increase in tough and even violent female characters in American films, women continue to be shown as sidekicks to more dominant male heroes and they are also frequently involved in a romantic relationship with them. The work of Katy Gilpatric, from the Department of Social Sciences...
  17. T

    American Action Films Continue To Portray Female Heroines As The Weaker Sex

    Despite an increase in tough and even violent female characters in American films, women continue to be shown as sidekicks to more dominant male heroes and they are also frequently involved in a romantic relationship with them. The work of Katy Gilpatric, from the Department of Social Sciences...
  18. T

    American Action Films Continue To Portray Female Heroines As The Weaker Sex

    Despite an increase in tough and even violent female characters in American films, women continue to be shown as sidekicks to more dominant male heroes and they are also frequently involved in a romantic relationship with them. The work of Katy Gilpatric, from the Department of Social Sciences...
  19. E

    Why does Adam Lambert music video portray him being attracted the females? if he is

    actually gay? hmmmm?
  20. J

    How can you portray a picture of fats (nutrition) in one picture?

    I need a picture that relates to fats somehow like I'm doing this project where I did like low fat vs. regular and I'm going to set the picture as a background for the text any ideas please?