Palin complaining about "class bias": Since when did Republicans care about class?


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Oct 13, 2008
Palin complaining about "class bias": Since when did Republicans care about class?

I hear Republicans around me and Republican pundits constantly mocking the idea of "class inequality" and "class warfare" and refusing to acknowledge inequalities in treatment as a result of class. It's a favorite Republican talking point that "class" does not exist, that lower classes have no good reasons to be angry with the upper classes. Why is Palin now leaning on it as an excuse?
You are comparing apples & oranges.

When a Republican says "class doesn't exist in America" they are saying that our culture allows people to rise above their beginnings. Our culture, generally admires peolple who started at the bottom & rise to the top.

What Sarah Palin was talking about was 'liberal elitism" where the look down on those who are rural.

If a reporter likes the politics of a politician that started at the bottom, they applaud the rags to riches story.
But if they don't like the politics of that politicain, then they treat him as a rube. How many questions have you seen hear calling the Palins Red necks & white trash!
Rich, white people saying everyone is equal and having a persecution complex? Color me surprised.
She's not talking about rich or poor, lower, middle, or upper class - she is talking about the classes in politics. There is the class that rises from the bottom up, and there is the class that has the single qualification of a famous last name [such as Kennedy.]
That is what she is talking about.
Palin is showing, yet again, that she is still stupider than we all thought.

Also, considering that Bush is the current President, very rich, and the son of a former President, the media, according to Palin, should be soft on him too.
You have to realize that what a party proper represents is not always in tune with what the individuals within the party represent.

I mean I could say "you always talk about class warfare, but now you say its nothing to worry about because Palin is the one griping"

She is right and more on target than ever on this one.
she doesn't know whether she's coming or going...but it's certainly entertaining.
The class issue Palin is referring to is that of the ivory tower, latte slurping, elitist, hypocrite, liberals and democrats who look down on average white people.
She is referring to the wealthy and elite Caroline Kennedy, who has no experience in governing, being given the Senate seat, just because she is a member of the Democrat elite class. However, Palin feels that she was subject to ridicule by the elites in the media, because she was a working class woman. She certainly has more experience than Kennedy has.

Of course, she is partly correct. She did not perform very well in interviews, but she is a much better public speaker than Caroline Kennedy.

Video: Sarah Palin Strikes Back At Biased Media


Documentarian John Ziegler has posted at Andrew Breitbart's new website Big Hollywood a fabulous video of an interview he did Monday with Gov. Sarah Palin (embedded right).

In it, Palin answers -- with her characteristically delicious candor! -- how she felt about the media's coverage of her family, as well as the Katie Couric interview and Tina Fey's parodies.

In his article about his meeting with Palin, Ziegler offered his own castigation of the press's abysmal performance during the 2008 presidential campaign:

video here
She'll use any excuse that floats to the top of her brain fluid.
In General, Republicans don't care about class, otherwise, they'd try and get some.
They don't appreciate science or higher education... don't need it because God smiles on them and he will reward them for being so wonderful.
They don't get God's message that they are supposed to be accountable for all their breathern, not just the elite...famous bushism
"This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base." —Presidential candidate George W. Bush, at the annual Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Oct. 19, 2000
He had another that I didn't take time to find.
Sometimes....heh heh.sometimes money trumps peace.
How classy is that.
You're correct. Republicans have wanted to avoid the issue of "class" for decades, and they could count on Palin to resubmit the off-limits topic.