Why all the complaining about media bias? Do people believe it could affect...


New member
Jul 4, 2008
...the outcome of an election? The response to a lot of questions includes a rant about "left-wing liberal media bias." This is not just true on YA, but also in tons of statements issued from the McCain campaign, particularly regarding Palin.

It's starting to sound like a fight song...heck, Hank Williams Jr has a song about it! Palin used it as an excuse for her awful performances on those interviews, and we hear about it every time Obama moves up in a poll.

I don't get it. Please don't cry about MSNBC, we all know it's left-leaning, in the same way that FOX is right-leaning. There are 100 other news sources to look at. Even if 99% of news outlets were left-leaning, why the complaining? Do you not trust independents to check out various sources and get both sides of a story? Do you think long-time Republicans will vote Democrat because of a story they see on MSNBC?

Actually, the most important question is : since the people doing the complaining seem to know "the truth" about how awful the democrats are, how about you tell us where you get it from? I hear FOX quoted a lot. I hope that even righties can admit that any station that gives Rush and Bill airtime, allows a correspondant to refer to Obama's fist pound as a "terrorist fist jab," and refers to Michelle Obama as Barack's "Baby Mama" couldn't possible be perceived as neutral.

I'm honestly looking for an explanation of 1) what the problem is 2) specific examples of how bias in the media clouds an issue 3) how you found out the "truth" in those situations. I'm also looking for an overall analysis of the effect you think a bias might have in the upcoming presidential election.
xrazor: I know a lot about Paul, and I know about Barr. Actually, I'm seriously considering voting for Ron Paul. FYI, I'm a card-carying member of the Libertarian party. I still think the griping about the media smells. Note that no posters (so far) have cited a single example of how a biased report could somehow affect the election. Nobody told me where they get their news....simply a lot of the same...excuses and whining.
Sorry, gotta love "bush family member" for crying about MSNBC after I acknowledged that it is the most lefty news organization out there. We get it, Bush. Just tell us why you care what NBC runs, and where you get your information from.