Are you ready for our new 50 per-cent gas tax hike?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I like how they say theyd rather call it a carbon tax..Hmmmm.
Didn't know we had one. Oh wait, we didn't..
Gotta love The Dem's and good ole Al gore...
Yep..Change for sure !
Well Bub...Three monthe ago 95 per-cent of us were getting tax cuts..
Did the deficit just instantly happen?
Will the tax cuts cover our gas?
Or was everyone duped?
Wait till you see what our products cost when gas raises again.
Inflation will run rampant.
SV..i can make a valid point...
We pay enough taxes...Stop giviung our money away !
If we make more, they get more...They send our jobs overseas...Tough !
Quit spending !
All these new Obama roads and can't afford the gas to drive on them...

We truly are screwed aren't we...
spare that 50 percent tax hike, it doesnt matter because it helps the environment, and besides that money wont do you any good when your city is flooded or simply in a famine thanks to global warming
Wow the democrats arn't even in office yet and they want to raise taxes.

At least this time they talked about it AFTER they shisted everyone into electing them instead of shooting themselves in the foot.
The money has to come from some place. Taxing the poor with cigarette taxes only goes so far.

Sorry you should try living in today's reality not yesterday's wishes.
Isn't it just like the Government? First we are told to cut back on our driving because it harms the environment, so we do. Then the price of fuel goes up and as a result, other bills rise too, so we cut back on driving even more. Then we're told we should stock up on domestic oil so we're not at the mercy of OPEC, so we did. Now, because of the economy we even have an annoying term called a "staycation" where you hang out at home instead of Disney Land or the Bahamas.

So after all the calls to conserve and be frugal with energy, we still get punished with a tax increase because oops! The Government isn't making enough money to waste on pork, on using 60 and 70 year old building material that will break up, crack and get filled with potholes again anyway. I guess the answer is, ignore the Government so we don't get punished for doing what they want.
The article does state that the commission is going to push Congress(DEMOCRAT) for this increase. Yes, I agree. We have tightened our belts but they have not there's. Congress just got a raise they issued to themselves along with all the other freebies they get. They need to cut spending and waste. I am tired of penny pinching when the people who work for us can not!! It is insanity!! That is why Gore really is pushing the Global Warming.Greed for him and the gov.
I don't know if this is a Democrat plot, rather it is another example of government being greedy. Government regulated higher fuel efficiency engines and we got them. We get better mileage and so we buy less gas and thus pas less tax.

Then the price of gas goes sky high and we stop going out places and drive less, paying less gas tax again. People also bought hybrids and use even less gas and pay less tax.

Instead of Government cutting spending they look for another way to punish us for being enviromentaly responsible and what they propose is using GPS systems in our vehicles? What happened to privacy?
No I'm not, I am still recovering from Holiday spending. I guess I know where my tax refund will be going.

We are all going to need 2nd and 3rd jobs, just to buy gas.
According to the news story they dont know where to find extra money to keep up our roads. But yet they always find billions of dollars each month to fund an illegal war in Iraq.
50% translates to only 10 cents per gallon. The highway fund is severely underfunded. Where should the money come to maintain the roads if not from people who actually use them? I can't think of a fairer tax than that and it has nothing to do with the income tax cut. Nothing.
You would sound so much more intelligent if you were not throwing stupid insults around.... what's the problem? Can't make a valid point?
Nothing but the best for America. We can shell out billions to a company only because it will effect those companies working for the big three, but when it comes down to it, we pay for everything. No free handout unless the economy will
Yeah, I'm gonna be cycling pretty hard in college. The rest of you better try motorcycles.
To be honest, if Al Gore beat Bush eight... nine years ago, we might have organic oil by now.
Wait! I thought Schwarzenegger was a republican?

Yeah! I'm sure Arnold Schwarzenneger is a republican.
Typical Conservative....
suggest they have to pay for something and they freak out

excerpt from your linked to article
"A federal commission created by Congress to find a way to make up the growing revenue shortfall in the program that funds highway repairs and construction is talking about increasing federal gas and diesel taxes."

Gas taxes haven't been raised since 1993.

from link:
Hiking the federal gas tax, which hasn’t changed in 15 years, would not only encourage consumers to drive less and buy higher-mileage cars — thus reducing pollution and slowing climate change — it would also nudge Detroit’s automakers to produce the vehicles, thereby making them more competitive.

“Let’s not let lower oil prices permanently filter through to consumers,” Robert J. Samuelson, long-time business columnist at the Washington Post, wrote recently. “We’ve seen this movie before.”

Despite the recession, proponents say the time is right for Congress to hike the 18.4-cent federal tax because fuel prices are lower — at a national average of $1.68 a gallon for regular gas — than they’ve been in months. If lawmakers don’t act, they worry, consumers might again be tempted to buy — and automakers produce — the gas guzzlers that largely contributed to the industry’s current economic troubles.