Isn't it refreshing to have a future President who is trying to make good on his


New member
May 22, 2008

Per the article and the '60 Minutes' interview, Obama appears to at least be trying to keep his promises to us. He also is speaking as a public servant (which is what an elected official is supposed to be) instead of a dictator.

Anyone else impressed by this?

Reading comprehension people: I said FUTURE President....I realize that what Obama says isn't 'valid' until AFTER January 20th.
He is a Marxist who hates the Constitution.

His followers think he is going to pay all their bills. They will be very disappointed when they find out that it is impossible.

Socialism does not "spread the wealth", it merely spreads the misery.
How can he make good on his campaign promises when he took down the website that listed them within hours of the media calling the election for him? He can't be expected to remember any of them now.
hahaha. Yet another case of "you see what you want to see." He's already backpedaling - no President can keep their promises because they don't have the power to. It's all up to Congress.
"Everyone has a plan, until he gets punched in the face" - Mike Tyson

Does anyone really believe that Bush is evil, rather than just a well-meaning man whose agenda got crushed by 9/11? The reality of the presidency will take its toll on Obama. America's policies are what they are because they are in our best interests. No matter how much you whine about it, the world is a complicated place.
Not really. Studies show that most new presidents make a real effort in their first term to implement as many of their campaign promises as possible. They just wind up either side-tracked or with the reality that some of their promises aren't practical. If Obama can avoid those two pit-falls, I'll be impressed.
I'll be more impressed if he actually keeps those promises.

You can say anything to get elected, actually doing the things you say you are going to do is an entirely different thing.

And he hasn't really even done anything yet. He can't until Jan. 20th

I for one am simply waiting.
So far impressed with his style just would love to see him actually put his words into action-

He hasn't done much of that in his very short career
Yes, I am very impressed by Obama. I sure hope that he will follow through on his promises once he is in office. It's so refreshing to have a future president who isn't BUSH!
My thoughts:

The man is only still TALKING about it. Until he actually DOES something about it, then it's all TALK!!

That's all I think of him anyway - a suit full of hot democrat machine filled air!
Empty talk does not impress me any more.

Why Mr. Obama resigned from Senate and washed his hands when the Congress is about to decide nationalization of auto industry?
So far impressed with his style just would love to see him actually put his words into action-

He hasn't done much of that in his very short career
Empty talk does not impress me any more.

Why Mr. Obama resigned from Senate and washed his hands when the Congress is about to decide nationalization of auto industry?
I am impressed and hope he continues on this road.

When was the last time we had a public servant in the White House?

Niether Bushes and not Clinton (although I liked Clinton he wasn't a public servant).
I get the same feeling. I watched that interview and what I noticed is that he remains true to his message even after the campaign. That is what a leader is supposed to do. The thing is he isn't switching his stories. He looks like a real leader who is ready to do something good for the country. Despite what the nay sayers say, I believe that his plan has a great chance of succeeding. That is why he was elected. He has great ideas, and he looked really candid in his interview. It wasn't scripted, and he showed his real intentions and the sense of humor he has. I enjoy seeing him speak and I cannot wait until he takes office.
His attitude is one of many things that got him elected. I hope he keeps it up. I liked he realization that he must be careful not to lose touch with the real world.