What is your opinion on our future president, Barack Obama?


May 20, 2008
OK so as you probably know Obama is being inaugurated on January 20th and I just want to know what the majority of the people, at least on yahoo, think of him. please don't say something too extreme but here I'll start with my opinion...
I love him I think he will be the best thing that ever happened to this country since Clinton (I was a baby when he was president but I hear he was good, his personal life was a mess but his political mind was amazing!) I personally don't care about a presidents personal life it is none of my Business as long as he is a strong leader with a good political mind I am happy and obama has those characteristics! Obama will be the one to bring this country the change it needs for the better and I think if McCain won this country starting January 20th would be spiraling into utter turmoil but instead it is reaching up for the stars to shine in 2009! as the will for the next 4 to 8 years :D
Im responding to some comments...
someone made a very racist "joke" and I dont appreciate that ok so stop.
yes i was a bady when clinton was around i am only 13 now but my mom says clinton was great, and i believe her
i dont think someone's personal life tells u anything!
I do not think he is fit for the job as president. If he couldn't pass the test as being a CIA agent then why should he qualify as president of the United States. He hung out with people like Bill Ayers who was a terrorist in the 1960's.