how can i eat healthy whenn i can't afford healthy foodss..?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
heyyy.. i am a 13 year oldd gurll.. i want to start eating healthy but i can't afford healthyyy foods... well my family can't.. ya.. whattt cann i eat that is healthy and inexpensiveeeee... loveee.. thankss...
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... it's mee againnn.. ummmmmmmmmmm........... i need more than fruits,, veggiessssssssss.... like snacks and mealssss............. lots plzzz.. thanks........................ loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thnxxxx........
The cheapest thing available is water, which is very healthy. So, start drinking 8 glasses a day (2 liters).

Of course, you can't live on water alone - eating healthy is eating balanced. To do this, you need lots of fruits and veggies, whole wheat grains, as well as some dairy and meat.

For fruit/veggies/grain, check out day old discount bins in grocery stores where these things are a lot cheaper and still fine to eat. You can also find a lot of cheap produce (fruits/veggies) in markets, if you have those where you live. If you're in or near a rural area, it is common to have farmer's markets on Saturday mornings with excellent, healthy and cheap produce.

When you buy meat, you have to be more careful about the expiration dates, so the cheapest way to get it is to buy in bulk or mixed packages - lots of stores sell other meat packages called 'scraps'. These are fine to eat and good for stews, etc. Beans are also a good and cheap source of protein.

Dairy is the hardest thing to go cheap with - if you really can't afford to buy it, you could try going to your local food bank and picking up some there. Your government might also have a food stamps program (or something similar), which can also be used.

These are all shopping tips for you to share with your family. What you might do to help yourself is to replace all the foods you know are unhealthy - water/milk/juice instead of pop, fruits/veggies instead of chips and candy. Some of the cheaper foods (like Kraft Dinner or Ramen) are fine to keep eating as long as you eat healthier foods with them. For breakfast, try getting generic (not brand name) cereals, like whole wheat verions of Cheerios and Rice Crispies. AS for lunch and dinner, soup is a good, healthy, and cheap meal idea - the best kinds are vegetable, tomato, etc. Stews are good - like I said, you can use scrap meat and also older veggies.

Good luck with eating healthy - a healthy body is the most valuable resource you have!
wellllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiii don't knnnnnnnnnnnowwwwwwwww.

umm eat eggs. stuff with protein.
buy apples.
i love apples.
tofu is very inexpensive - you can cook it with anything, and it is very good for you. It takes on the taste of anything you cook it with, say rice (inexpensive) and veggies.

I also buy canned veggies because they are cheap - and beans, both good for you. Corn, green beans sometimes I think have a unique taste I like better canned!
