I'm A Teenager. How Can I Eat Healthy?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
I'm 5'2'' and 150 lbs and want to lose weight. Can you give me a list of good foods to eat (snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner) and examples of healthy meals? If my mom cooks out of the Weight Watches cookbook, is that good for dinner? I'm asking another question about working out. I know healthy eating and working out go together.
Some foods that you can eat all you want are broccoli and spinach and squash. Not all vegatables and fruits are the best for you because some are high in starches, but do stick to taking in enough servings of vegatables and fruit everyday. Eat a big breakfast that consists of maybe a serving of cereal, a tall glass of milk, and a serving of fruit. For lunch, eat small, I'd sat a sandwich, a fruit, and a small snack like popcorn or a fruit snack. For dinner, eat lean meats, a serving of vegetables and another glass of milk and rice.
For snacks throughout the day, take around 100 calorie packs with you. When you know for sure you are hungry (not because you want to eat) than eat a 100 calorie pack. Eat one as an afternoon snack and maybe after dinner if you're still hungry. Try not to eat dinner after 7:30 though. It's healthier to eat it before then.
Try cutting out soda and junk food, and save something sweet (and small) for the weekend, like a dark chocolate candy bar.
Besides eating healthier, take daily walks or jogs for 15-30 minutes.
Good luck!!!