Stopping Breathing Whilst Asleep?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I went to bed as normal, bit late mind as i'd been at a darts match where i'd had two pints of lager shandy. Came home and had one or two Irish coffee's then went to bed. A few hours later, having been asleep a while, my girlfriend checked on me and found me to be not breathing - at all!!! Panic ensued - i recall none of it of course whilst the even't of this night haven't left her - its frightened her so much she's afraid to go to sleep in case i die??? The ambulance people said i was very waxy to touch and look at, my blood pressure etc was relatively normal but my white blood cell count was out of kilter - ie; not normal! I know this means i've got an infection in my body somewhere and i'd desperately love to know where the infection is - is there a dr in the house ha ha ha ha. I trust my fellow yahoo'ers to come up with thr truth for me, God Bless you all and thanks for all your answeres