crypto Question for VETS?


May 17, 2008
Me and my aunt got my grandmother a dog from a rescue,the rescue said that he was already neutered and I never Questioned that and I'm never around him much so I never paid any attention to that factor,but today I saw him rollover and I'm starting to think that he might have a cryptochid. He kind of looks like the dog in this photo,but he has the inguinal testicle on both sides.

Do you think he might have cryptorches? or might it be something else?
just so you know the bumps on my grandmother's dog are alittle bit bigger
CASTRATED mammals do ***NOT*** have testicles...since that what castration MEANS=REMOVE TESTICLES!
A blind drunk plumber couldn't miss that!

Never heard of HERNIAS?
Is it only there, and then goes away? My dogs neutered, but he still gets "excited" so when I get home, he has two balls swollen on either side of his penis. It's called the bulbous gland.

But, if your truest concerned, go to a vet. Nobody on this site is a vet, although some claim to be.
I imagine what you are seeng is the bulbus glandis. Perfectly normal in intact & neutered males alike.

Maybe a better picture.,r:14,s:0,i:204&iact=rc&dur=400&page=1&tbnh=179&tbnw=234&start=0&ndsp=18&tx=137&ty=105
No vets giving free advice on YA's. Also, probably not as many techs as people would like you to think.
If you think there is a problem with the dog, take him to a vet. Neutered dogs do NOT have testicles. They have been removed, hence:neutered.
All you have to do is have your vet take a look at it down there and they'll answer you on this specific thing. It's not something anyone online can tell you with any reliability.