"Cool" things you did in Middle School


Feb 14, 2008
Back in middle school, I am sure there were some dumb things that everyone did that they thought were cool. At the time it seemed perfectly fine, but when you get older and get cooler, you look back and are somewhat ashamed.
Well my personal experience was that I thought having frosted tips in the front was cool. Like I literally did it for 2.5 years. Now I realize it was so lame and I am surprised I managed to have any friends.

How about you guys? Share your experiences.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

that. fought for the fun of it and to prove you were strong. told the teachers off...i still do do that though. and im sure theres more...like thinking ur cool for making out with a girl ur not dating...big deal...who cares haha.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

We took the nerds into the bathroom and did a form of waterboarding with the urinal. One kid almost died.

Fun times.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

bring laser pointers to school and race through the hall ways
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

your still young and just as stupid
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

Not much more to say. The water went up his nose and he started choking. His face turned purple and he passed out. We laughed and ran out of the bathroom. Lucky for him a teacher came in moments later.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

Ran to lunch, jumping the stairs. Laser pointers.paper airplanes. Chugging milk. Smacking girls asses and running. Running out of class and going to the "bathroom" for 30+ mins.

Pretty fucking weird.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

Well in middle school Go-Peds first started coming out (im 24.. :( )
So one teacher let us keep them on the patio of her classroom since we didnt want them to sit in the bike rack.
Plus then they were illegal to drive.

We were some pimp fucking daddies mashing the go-peds to school.
Blows jobs happened. Well not really. But they would have. Well.. maybe not.
We masterbated every night.
"Cool" things you did in Middle School

i answered my teacher's classroom phone and said

"City morgue, u stab em we slab em"