All things perogies!


New member
Feb 22, 2008
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My perogie recipe is as follows:

Boil roughly 15-20 POTATO+ CHEDDAR perogies
Heat pan, throw some butter/margerine, throw in some finely chopped parsley,
Sautee about a cup+half of sliced onions, fry them good
Add salt, pepper,
add perogies to onions+butter+stuff
add more pepper
Fry bacon in seperate pan
fry perogies+onions till' cooked to perfection
plate perogies+onions,
break apart cooked bacon and sprinkle it on top
Add some mozzarella cheese if desired, let it melt
GET TONS of sour cream to go with

Pretty basic but AMAZING

If you are ukranian and can make home made perogies, my hat goes off to you. I had them once and they are SOOO good.

MMMMM I'm gona go make some now.

EDIT: You can also add diced ham to that recipe.
Ukrainian. If you follow my recipe, I promise you will not be disappointed.
well im 14, my mom wont be home tonight so whates the worst that could happen?

now...where to find perogies to boil?

they look just like raveolies...kinda
being polish, and having a european tongue, it's by far the most annoying thing hearing people butcher the pronunciation of pierogi, and quelbasa
well i actually work for a company that makes hand pinched perogies. Were called Plumpy's and sell all over northeast PA and a few other places in other states. On an average day we produce about 5,000+. But whats different about ours is the varieties, we have a steak and cheese, buffalo wing, apple and blueberry pie, potato and jalapeٌo, cabbage, sourcrout, and prune (old people seem to love all of these), along with the normal potato and cheese and some others that are seasonal.

There not really hard to make just a simple dough and some beaten potatoes.
my girlfriend's grandma moved here from Poland and introduced me to these.

they are almost as good as sex with her granddaughter :tup: