what is Judaism in your opinion? a religion, a nationality, ethnicity or race?


New member
Mar 30, 2013
i am an Israeli atheist, i don't consider my self a Jew, so obviously i consider Judaism just a another stupid made up fairy-tale.

my country man on the other hand believe it to be a religion, a nationality, ethnicity and a race all at once. and just like the Nazis who branded my grandfather who was an atheist as a Jew, the people of Israel brand me as a Jew as well.

I wonder what are prevalent attitudes and opinion of individuals about this issue, among people around the world today.
Although "Jewish" applies to religion and ethnicity, "Judaism" is a religion. (Actually, various religions which fit the family of Judaism.)

It's all in the "-ism".
I would say mostly a culture,,, but it varies greatly from person to person. Some are very religious, and some very not so.
Just a religion
Jewish types use it for self righteous criminality such as in the West Bank
a religion; the fact that jews aren't really allowed to marry outside of their "race" would make the religion technically racist if it was a race. besides, if judaism is partly a race, why isn't christianity a race when we can only assume that christians didn't marry outside of their religion for a good 1000+ years in europe?