
  1. N

    what is Judaism in your opinion? a religion, a nationality, ethnicity or race?

    i am an Israeli atheist, i don't consider my self a Jew, so obviously i consider Judaism just a another stupid made up fairy-tale. my country man on the other hand believe it to be a religion, a nationality, ethnicity and a race all at once. and just like the Nazis who branded my grandfather...
  2. B

    is Judaism a religion or a nationality?

    I'm not trying to be ignorant, I am actually confused about this. I know that Judaism is obviously a religion but aren't people from Jerusalem called Jewish as well regardless of their religion? So technically you can be Jewish but practice another religion? Is this correct? Thanks
  3. C

    Poll: What's your nationality?

    check out my other question too.=^-^=
  4. J

    Why do we argue and hate over Religion, race, nationality and politics?

    We are Humans, The Race that conquered Land, Air, and Water. Only species on Earth to go to the FREAKING MOON! and return home to tell about it. We've done so much and can do anything if we'd all come together. Yeah the Earth is getting "Destroyed" by green house gases but the dirt bag liberals...
  5. J

    Does every country and/or nationality have its own martial art?

    I know there are thousnads of martial arts out there, so it would only make sense if every country had its own style of..*quote* " fighting " *quote*...... China - Kung Fu Japan - Karate Korea - Tae Kwon Do Philippines - Philipino stick fighting (or something like that) U.S.A./England - boxing...
  6. B

    Which nationality has the best sense of humor?

    Besides your own. I'd say the japanese. every japanese person i've met is hilarious
  7. D

    Funny Nationality stereotypes?

    I think some funny ones are that Americans love war and blowing things up, Estonians are always intoxicated at a bar, and Swedes always smell like fish and never pay for anything themselves.
  8. T

    Do you think this is a interesting or good nationality?

    I'm Guyanese, Indian (West), Dutch Chinese, Ethiopian, a little bit Italian,and Polish Russian. Is this a interesting mix? im not dutch im dutch-chinese its a type of dutch same with polish-russian
  9. A

    Now we argue with friends. What nationality? You think, what it is the present

    slavic appearance?
  10. B

    NCIS: CIA operative Trent Kort's nationality?

    On the TV show NCIS, I have noticed that CIA agent Trent Kort has a strange nationality - Australian or British maybe?
  11. J

    hi, can i travel to the U. K??? i am a legal resident of Italy, but my nationality... Peruvian? hi people, i would like to know if i can travel freely to London from italy, since i live and work here in italy as a legal resident but i am not italian, my nationality is peruvian, i have italian green card( Permesso di Soggiorno) thanks i appreciate your hearty advices, J
  12. C

    can i travel on a cypriot id card that say nationality cypriot/british on it?

    ive spent hours on the web trying to find an answer to my question but have NO luck!!! any help would be very much appreciated
  13. M

    Personality-Nationality Survey : Do you believe that our Nationality has a lot to... ...... with our Personality?? If Yes, how would you describe your personality on.... nationality terms, when you : 1. Get upset 2. Get jealous 3. Work 4. Flirt Me : When upset I'm Irish, when jealous I'm Italian, when I work I'm Mexican and when I flirt I'm French.
  14. J

    What nationality are you? I am curious what some of the nationalities are... on the Martial arts section.? I am just curious what some of the nationalities are on here in the Martial Arts section. It might explain why certain people have such different views on certain martial arts. Anyone, it should just be a one word answer really, just your nationality...
  15. B

    is there any financial support to cancer patient to filipino nationality

    from philippines embassy/washington? financial assistance from consulate of philippines in washington
  16. S

    Why do Jews get to flip flop from being a race, a nationality, or a

    religion as it suits them? Now, don't get me wrong, I won't attack someone for their race. But I will certainly say something when they are saying something crazy about religion, as well I say something when their country acts crazy. Does that make me anti-semitic? "Jewish people have never...
  17. C

    Is Jewish a religion, nationality or both?

    Is Jewish a religion, nationality or both?
  18. L

    What celebrity and nationality do I look like?

    Here is the pic