Judaism is a religion rather than a race or ethnicity?


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Does that not contradict theist's claims that Nazi era genocide was caused by atheism rather than religion? The religious affiliation or non-affiliation of ideology or individuals among the perpetrators notwithstanding? Is not the underlying cause of the events overwhelmingly religious in origin?
Supa Star, Is that your hostility showing? Even when asking uncomfortable questions I think them through and phrase them as I would if I had to look those I ask in the eyes. There is no excuse for putting one's foot in one's mouth when writing. I assure you, my reading is extensive and my knowledge of 20th century European and world history is on a par with other academics.
OOOps I meant Orcas, My apologies Supa Star.
Orcas! Orcas Orcas ^ See? up there^
Hitler was NOT an atheist.He was a satanic Catholic in good standing with the church until he killed himself.Obviously the murder of millions of Jews did not disturb the Pope.:stop glass: