Will Republicans whine and complain when they have to pay their gardeners more money?


Jun 8, 2008
because they have become legal and are having to pay tax, or will they just look for more illegals like this two faced old Tea Party hag probably will???

I am talking more about the hypocrisy of the likes of this woman, screaming on about illegals but saying it is okay to have undocumented workers cutting your grass and cleaning your home.
c204 really! good luck trying to find Americans who will do this kind of work, I don't see many Americans cutting grass or framing houses in 100 degree heat in Texas, in fact I don't see any!!!!
Stupid question assuming Republicans have Gardner's. I am Republican, never had a gardner in my life...
If Republicans can get a Republican President elected in 2016 and maintain control of the House, I am sure we won't mind some a pathway for illegals to be citizens. It is a give an take.

I would be happy to increase pay for my lawn care if my taxes if Obamacare is repealed.
Excuse me, but what makes you think republicans all have gardeners?
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the liberal media has lied to you, yet again. Republicans are not all rich and I would bet that the same percentage of rich/poor exists in Democrats vs. Republicans. I wish I could find something quickly to provide you.
Republicans are not all these rich corporate executives, they are ordinary folks that work hard for their money and have their beliefs, period.
Please do not belief it.
we would rather SAVE money by paying AMERICAN citizens MORE for the same work.

if you don't understand what i just said, then do your own research and find out how much illegals TAKE in social benefits, compared to what they CONTRIBUTE in cheap labor.
Let me give you a little reality check there, pardner...I use to clean houses while trying to get another business up and running. I went to most homes once a week for 4 hours, and I had 2 houses a day. Every single one of my clients...all of whom hired me from a newspaper ad...were big-mouthed liberals! And with the exception of one of my 10 clients, every single one of them employed other help. Live-In Nannies, Gardeners, and even a couple of Cooks. None of whom were here legally. None of whom got paid anywhere near what I got paid. And none of whom their 'employers' treated very well at all.

Go screw yourself. You have zero facts...just more rhetoric from the biased left.
They might be broke by then and need to dismiss the gardeners. Other grossly overpopulating hordes of excess labor in Asia undercutting wages are literally swallowing the world's economies.
As if democrats don't have gardeners and want to save as much of their own money as they can. You are asinine.
You sure this is an issue only for republicans? Who do you think works on the landscaping for all of the mansions in Hollywood?