why right wingers allways say illegal imig is costing money, when in fact they


Cal C

are here to work low paying job I do have a small company, if I have to pay a lazy bastard 20 an hour plus benefits, 401 k , insurance ...etc I would have to close doors, you should understand than that they are not here illegaly, ask your Rush or Shan hannity, and all the Bushies if this is or not truth.... you my friends are drinking the koolaid like zombies, I sugest to the so call conservatives to read more poits of view and educate your selves before you start hating undocumented immigrants they are your friends, another thing is that the money they use is peanuts compared to the six years of waste in Iraq, Afg, Israel support, they are billions and billions of our tax dollars that go to waiste, so now when you see a hispanic or eupean or chinesse immig. just smile and say "thank you sir for supporting our country" the question is : will I still be in Business if it weren't for undocumented hard and decent workers>?????????????
Because it's true...The drain on public services will bankrupt us. And it appears that you have a small business using virtual slave labor *AND* are illegal yourself. And I haven't a clue where you're getting your information but *none* of the Conservative talk shows nor any "Bushies" that I know believe that the hordes crossing our Southern Border are here legally, deserve to be here, or are any good at all for this country.
Well, most right wingers like to blaim the american economi on someone/something and since there for the war, the next thing would be immigrants who most of the time don't fight back.

Believe me, if illegal immigration was a real problem, the government would have done something a long time ago, but they don't because they know how much money they bring to the country.

Only people who work,live, or know immigrants can understand the real side of why they come here, why they work those jobs for "penuts" and why they don't want to leave.
i wish there were more LEGAL immigrants but the ones who come here illegally are a drain on our economy. the medical care they receive that they are unable to pay for gets paid for with our tax money, the education of their children, the food stamps and welfare that they are on... paid for my our tax money. also many (not all) are involved in a lot of illegal activities (drug smuggling and selling, weapon smuggling and selling as well as gang activity) that are a drain on society and additional tax dollars as well.

you should do some more research as well. try reading glenn beck's book "an inconvenient book"
Yeah they do crap work for less, but they go to the health department and get food stamps, wic, and health insurance for free. You are in fact paying for these services for them as well as every other legal person in the country that is paying taxes. Maybe you pay them $10 hr. but if they all went home and got off our welfare system, maybe taxes wouldn't be so bad
Maybe you wouldn't be, but that's just too bad. If you can't afford to run your business legally, you shouldn't be running it at all. While you save money, you cost me, an individual tax payer, more money to support these illegals in the form of health care and low income housing that they are not even entitled to, since they don't pay taxes. And the money they waste on the war should got to legal citizens, not the freeloaders that sneak over the border in the middle of the night. You, sir, are a part of the problem. Don't try to justify or garner sympathy...we are sick of it.
The war in Iraq--and the cost--has nothing to do with illegal immigration. You cannot equate the two. I hate both.

Having said that, illegal immigration does cost the US taxpayer. These criminals work off the books. A$$hole american employers who hire them avoid paying payroll taxes and dont pay them a liveable wage. (Whoops, sorry, am I talking about YOU?)

Meanwhile, americans are out of work...the most vulnerable americans who are lower end skilled and educated. And since these criminal leeches * dont earn a liveable wage, they are sucking up infrastrtucture paid by taxpayers....education, healthcare....they are sucking up not for profit donations from food banks, Salvation Army, etc.

Clearly your degree in Economics from Pleasant Vally Vo Tech is failing you if you think this makes economic sense.
The best I can muster is thank you for supporting BIG BUSINESS.....you aren't doing anything for ME.....America....or the American citizen.
YOU SAID IT DUDE! Boy, how long have I waited for a question like this to come along! The GOP have talked out of both sides of their butts for soooo long that they think everybody is dumbed down so far, that we will believe any thing these bastards say! Do you realize that they are trying to take away the common mans rights to freedom of speech,but are letting SCUM like Rush,Hannity,and that monster Michal Savage,spew their hate and lies, and to carry on like it is the truth? All the money that's been pissed away,FOR WHAT? More body bags?How many more brave young soldiers have to die?10,000,or maybe 20,000 or how about 58,000?How about the "Shrub",make his daughters sign up for his "Glorious Adventure"if he is so darn fired up about defeating the "Terrorists"! And to think that they actually want us to believe the "Illegal Aliens" are costing so much money, Makes you sick don't it!