Is anyone sick of Americans driving big trucks/suv/hummers around town?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
They are destroying the environment that we live in

Throwing trash everyone do you think they give two craps about this planets future?

And they complain about foreign countries get our money for oil but buy inefficient gas guzzling huge trucks that use more gas than tons of other cars to get from destination a to b

what a joke take a bus ride a bike or buy a gas friendly car this is outrageous U DONT NEED ALL THAT SPACE
When you start paying for the gas in my Caddies as well as taxes an insurance than you can moan.
What I'm sick about is mexicans driving big trucks/suv/hummers in America!! The rest of them just tick me off a little!! A lot if their on the phone!!
Nope! I have a lifted 4x4 Suburban and I love my truck! I DO NEED ALL THAT SPACE AND TOWING CAPACITY for my 20' car trailer.
Of course I have another car I drive most of the time. Don't be so quick to judge, maybe there other car is a Prius!
My friends Ford F-350 1-ton 4x4 turbo diesel dually get's 21 MPG in the city. Better than a V6 Camry.
Hey dipstick i live in western Michigan on 180 acres I haul wood feed for my stock tow trailers and equipment and we live about 2 miles off pavement and in winter we get our county road plowed once every three days exactly what would you suggest I drive a phucking prius.
If you used proper grammar and sentence structure, we might take you seriously. As it is, you sound like a 12 year old who's been seriously indoctrinated by a communist teacher.
Don't like Hummers, don't buy one, you want to ride the bus, go for it, you want to recycle, have at it, want to voice your opinion, be my guest, expect me to change anything about my life style over your temper tantrum, forget it.

By the way, I would not own a "Smart Car" for love nor money no matter how many miles to the gallon it gets, hell you get hit by a kid on a bicycle you might get killed.
No. I really don't give a damn about that, honestly. Secondly, why do you want to bring slavery back to this country? Thirdly, why do liberals preach this crap about diversity and then slam everyone who is different than them? We may be hypocrites on the right, but we still know what the word "diversity" means. Learn it.
Maybe you need to offer solutions instead of mindless ranting. Should people be rushing out to buy the GM Volt for $35 thousand instead of what they now own ? Economy can be improved with proper vehicle maintenance, I think this is the first logical step to improving gas mileage.
Maybe you need to offer solutions instead of mindless ranting. Should people be rushing out to buy the GM Volt for $35 thousand instead of what they now own ? Economy can be improved with proper vehicle maintenance, I think this is the first logical step to improving gas mileage.
In the UK we call them Chelsea tractors. They are driven by young inner-city wives taking their kids to school 3/4 of a mile down the road and for going to the supermarket on the way back. They will tell you that they are not that confident of their driving ability and they need such a big SUV because, if they cause an accident, they want to be sure the other guy comes off worst. They have no idea that they have 4 wheel drive. Some don't even realise that there are 4 wheels. I kid you not!
I got tired of the monthly gas bill so I bought an economically viable car that got at least 40 MPG, but I still got my truck.
Been to brainwashing school much or just a fan of Bill Maher, that far left idiot. Al Gore pollutes the air in one day more than a million people will in a year. I will keep my Big Truck, SUV and 2 hummers, cause it is no one Else's business how I spend my money or what i drive. Only one destroying the environment is the propaganda bs coming from the enviro nuts, who flush their own toilets into our lakes.
Let em do what they want. You don't want the govenment to stop you from smoking dope, why worry about what someone else drives?