Is anyone sick of Americans driving big trucks/suv/hummers around town?

Why do you care if I drive a truck? I paid for it, I have a use for it, and I earned it. What business is it of yours?
Go back to your little apartment and ride the bus to your job, and get your nose out of MY business.
I'd buy a Hummer if I could afford it. I also recycle, what you think about that.
Actually I'm sick of all the NIMBY crap about not putting up windturbines because it will kill the birds. Even though skyscrapers do a more effective job than that.

We get clean renewable energy and we don't have to pander to the Middle East anymore. Both Libs and Cons are happy. What's wrong with that?
Trucks are redneck. Hummers are ridiculous. SUV's are perfect. They are the perfect size. They get you up your icy/snowy driveway in the winter.They make getting to work in the winter easier and safer. Also, they are now making SUV's just as fuel efficient as regular cars. I have had mine for a little over a year and if I knew how much easier my life would be and how much money I would save, I would have done it a long time ago. I will never go back to a regular car. They are unsafe and impractical when you live in certain areas of the country.