vegan but eats things cooked with eggs?


New member
Aug 27, 2009
would i still be vegan if i didnt eat meat or animal products but if it has milk or egg in the ingredient i still eat it like marshmallow or cake? would i still be vegan? also, is Silk healthy for you?

no, vegans eat no animal products:)

silk tastes AWESOME, but its really high in fat and to much sot is terrible for you.

almond milk i prefer. it's high in fat, but has the same nutritional value as milk:)
Yes. First there is nor "rule book" anywhere that anyone can point to that dictates what a vegan "can/cannot" eat. Second, as one pedantic vegan points out, part of the definition is "as practical as possible" when it comes to avoiding animal products. However, kids and fanatics like to dwell on absolutes because it preserves their cool "hey look everyone I am vegan" bragging rights.

It's your life, your rules. who really cares what other people think. You are a vegan. Good for you.
Firstly a vegan not only doesn't eat any meat or byproduct like milk,cheese eggs or butter they also do not ware any animal products such as wool leather furs and i am afraid silk is included it is a by product of the silk worm. So although silk is really comfortable and environmentally friendly you will have to make do with polyester.
No, that would demote you back to vegetarian status. That's like asking if youre a carnivor and eat a salad if you're still a carnivor. Vegans are carefull about what they eat and always check ingredients to ensure they aren't eating something that has secretly been used from animal labor
You would NOT be a vegan. You would be an OVO-vegetarian. But, don't get so hung up on labels. Silk is a suitable replacement for milk. It is enriched and has the same nutrients at same RDA percentages as a serving of milk.

Not sure if you're from U.S. Silk is the name of a non-dairy milk replacement made from soy. S is for Soy and replaces the M in milk to yield Silk.
Vegans do not eat animal products.
Milk and eggs are animal products.
Therefore one who eats foods containing milk and eggs
is NOT a vegan.