
  1. Y

    I've never cooked before.what are some easy yet delicious food to make?

    Can you please tell me the recipe as well? By the way,I was thinking of vegetables soup but i'd appreciate any other ideas!
  2. T

    Vegetarian products that can be cooked in a frying pan? (UK)?

    I know I sound crazy, but my mum and dad are always cooking beef/pork in the oven and it makes me sick. Whenever I cook anything afterwards, it seems to have a meaty taste to it.. I know it's probably all in my head, but anyway... are their any vegetarian foods that can be cooked in a frying...
  3. I

    Can turtles eat cooked steak?

    My baby sister fed my turtle steak and its not the first time but last time he ate cheese. I was just needing a little help if it is ok?
  4. V

    a girl is cooking food in kitchen.the smell of food cooked reaches to her...

    ...brothers room.explain why and how? it is a question of class 9 chemistry,ch.1 matter in our surrounding...
  5. S

    According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is -..Very,...

    ...very..- popular with Chinese people? According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is "..Widly.." popular with Chinese people..? --- I have read Media reports that Barack 0bama is widly popular in Asia , Africa , America & entire world - How people around the the world...
  6. @

    p&s - is cooked raw banana a good & tasty dish?

    can you do it?
  7. G

    We cooked two turkeys mating. Could I get a venereal?

    I cooked two turkeys "doing the deed". We stuffed them (which I'm sure they would have loved, had they been alive). Do you think I'll get a VD?
  8. E

    How long can cooked chicken last unrefrigerated?

    I got a chicken cheesesteak for lunch today, and only ate half of it. I put the other half in my lunch container to save for dinner tonight and put it outside on the window ledge by my classroom door, since we don't have a refrigerator at the school where I work. My lunch container was in the...
  9. H

    POLL: Do you like lamb (cooked)?

    Yes they're cute, but I mean lamb cooked on my plate.
  10. S

    How long after thawing does frozen, already cooked, turkey last in the fridge?

    All the guides I can find online say that cooked turkey can last in the fridge for 3-4 days, and if you want to keep it longer, it can keep frozen for a few months. My question is, after you thaw the frozen turkey, does it "reset" how long it will last in the fridge? EX: I keep cooked turkey...
  11. C

    would it be ok to eat the chicken if it has been cooked twice and then in...

    ...the fridge again? Yesterday I cooked some chicken in the oven but I didn't eat it all, so I put the left overs in the fridge. Today, I boiled some rice and chucked the left over chicken in with the rice to cook for about 10 mins. Now there are still some leftovers which I have put in the...
  12. T

    Does the NUTRITIONAL value change between uncooked rice and cooked rice?

    Also for things like pasta, potato, oat meal etc?
  13. K

    Left cooked spinach out- ate a spoonful?

    I cooked spinach yesterday, put it in the fridge, took it out earlier and left it in the counter for like 6-7 hours. I ate like a spoonful before deciding it wasn't worth it. Do you think one spoonful is enough to possibly get a stomach bug?
  14. M

    What age is generally safe to give a medium/medium well cooked steak?

    Would a two year old need the ribeye meat cooked well or what? How old is old enough I guess is what I'm trying to ask lol.
  15. M

    After you're done eating, what do you tell the person who cooked the meal?.-.?

    I tell them thank you^^
  16. R

    How long are plain spaghetti noodles good after being cooked if they're

    kept in the fridge the whole time? I made spaghetti, but cooked too many noodles, so I still have a plate of plain spaghetti noodles wrapped up in the fridge. I made them Sunday night or sometime Monday. It's now Thursday night here; should they still be good? When I pull the plastic back...
  17. T

    Which of the following must be cooked to at least 155° F?

    A. Poultry. B. Ground meats. C. Beef. D. Seafood. E. Pork.
  18. C

    Cooked Oil Always Gives Me Headaches?

    Every time that I eat foods that are deep fried or just cooked with oil I get a headache, brain fog (cannot think clear), migraines, and even throw up if it gets really bad. If I do throw up, it is mainly the oil that comes out (sorry for the gross detail). This has been happening for years...
  19. C

    Why Do I Have Bad Reactions to Cooked Oils?

    Every time that I eat foods that are deep fried or just cooked with oil I get a headache, brain fog (cannot think clear), migraines, and even throw up if it gets really bad. If I do throw up, it is mainly the oil that comes out (sorry for the gross detail). This has been happening for years...
  20. S

    how do you like your steak cooked?

    I like my medium rare