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    Meatless Monday: 10 Vegetarian & Vegan Spring Roll Recipes

    The term “spring rolls” carries with it a little leeway. While broadly used to describe large filled-and-rolled Asian appetizers, everything from the kind of wrapper used to *the fillings and the way the rolls are cooked (or not cooked) is … More » Meatless Monday: 10 Vegetarian & Vegan Spring...
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    Can anyone offer some vegan recipes for fake meat and fake fish?

    Okay, so here's the deal. I'm interested in trying a completely VEGAN version of the paleo diet. Paleo diet includes mainly: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and meats. All are OK for me to eat except the latter food. So I'm looking to simply REPLACE foods like MEAT and FISH with vegan versions...
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    Ugh, Vegan Trainer Says Kids’ Sugary Diets Lead To School Shootings

    Vegan celebrity trainer John Pierre, who trains Ellen DeGeneres, sorta kinda told a room full of Capitol Hill staffers that Americans' poor diets are to blame for school shootings. Uh, whaaaa? More » Ugh, Vegan Trainer Says Kids’ Sugary Diets Lead To School Shootings is a post from Blisstree -...
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    Meatless Monday: 10 Vegetarian & Vegan Stuffed Mushroom Recipes

    Stuffed mushrooms tend to get relegated to hors*d'oeuvres*status, but what's to say you can't serve them up as a main dish? Mushrooms provide protein and*umami*to meatless meals, and with a good herb, nut and veggie stuffing, you're looking at a pretty complete nutritional profile in each...
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    (Don’t) Bring Your Own Vegan Food! Vegan Couple in Restaurant Kerfluffle Over Special

    Jack and Toby Litsky are hardcore new vegans: The married couple started a plant-based diet last year. Because of their new emphasis on health, they like to bring their own 100% whole wheat pasta to restaurants when they eat out in their home state of New Jersey. Usually that's not a problem...
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    Health Hack: Vegan Egg Replacers

    One of the most important tricks to vegan baking is learning proper substitutes for eggs, butter and milk. Replacing the milk is pretty easy, with so many non-dairy milks easily available today; and butter can be swapped for olive oil or vegan margarine, such as Earth Balance spread. But vegan...
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    A recipe for healthful, delicious, VEGAN gravy?

    I love making mashed red potatoes with some pureed cauliflower, Earth Balance, and almond milk. The only thing missing is a rich, hearty gravy that isn't just pure sodium, but rather has some ingredients that do a body good. Anyone have an amazing recipe?
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    Valentine’s Day Recipe: Make Your Own Vegan Conversation Hearts

    Conversation hearts are a Valentine’s Day staple -- but let’s be honest, store-bought candy hearts are kind of chalky and weird-tasting. They also contain gelatin, which is not only neither vegan nor vegetarian-friendly, it’s also a little icky when you know more about it. But if you’re craving...
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    6 Super-Rich Vegan Chocolate Treats For Valentine’s Day

    Vegan chocolate candy can be just as rich, sweet and delicious as the milk chocolate hearts and truffles that line grocery store shelves and Valentine's candy boxes this time of year. Ditch the Whitman's and Godiva and try making some of these easy vegan chocolate treats for your beloved(s) this...
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    what VEGAN dish can I cook with beans?

    it's this milky green roundish bean. taste like all other beans, maybe a little like green peas(though not sweet). I have NO onion, but have lots of spices, herbs.
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    Vegan box turtle issues?

    My baby boxie is a very picky eater. He refuses any type of worm, ball bugs and slugs. He will sometimes eat spinach if he is persuaded long enough. He likes cherry tomatoes pretty well. But I made the mistake of treating the little guy to strawberry and he won't eat anything else. He used to...
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    The Cooking Channel Is Taking Vegan Mainstream (Hopefully) With Jason Wrobel’s “How T

    If the slate of vegan celebrities, cookbooks, restaurants, and chefs isn't enough to push it over the tipping point, The Cooking Channel is doing their part to push veganism into the mainstream this Sunday, with their new show, "How To Live To 100." Led by celebrity vegan chef, Jason Wrobel...
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    Do you know any good vegan dinner recipes that are easy to make?

    I'm tired of eating the same things ,do you know any different or usual vegan recipes you think taste good?
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    The Sandy Hook Argument We Don’t Need To Have: Whether The Shooter Was Vegan

    Since the deaths of 20 students and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary school, everyone we know has been arguing over which arguments to have, and when to have them. But one argument that's emerged since Monday is so irrelevant, it's shocking: The fact that the shooter, Adam Lanza, was vegan...
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    Vegan Christmas Cookie Recipes You’ll Actually Like

    Vegan Christmas cookies don't have to suck. Here are 8 recipes to challenge anyone who says otherwise. More » Vegan Christmas Cookie Recipes You’ll Actually Like is a post from Blisstree - Nutrition, Healthy Recipes and Fitness.
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    Vegan Slow-Cooker Broth Makes An Easy Base For Quick Winter Soups

    Now that winter is seriously approaching, I'm happy to be breaking out my slow cooker again. I know some people whip things up in them year round, but to me the slow cooker (or Crock Pot as my mom still calls it) means stews, chili and soups. So I love this idea from Oregonian writer Grant...
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    What are some good vegan recipes?

    Please, tell by personal experience :D
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    Vegan Former NBA Star John Salley Explains How Athletes Get Enough Protein Without Me

    The Los Angeles Times just interviewed John Salley, the former NBA player (who played with the Lakers) about his vegan diet. They asked some obvious questions about his transition from vegetarianism to becoming a vegan athlete, but one of their questions was one that's common for...
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    5 Simple Vegan Pumpkin Desserts For Thanksgiving

    What's great about Thanksgiving? Lots of things, but pumpkin is one of them. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin casserole and pumpkin desserts. All of which taste great, but are not always easy to make if you're going vegan. So we did a little digging and found five pumpkin-inspired desserts for...
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    Game-Day Goodness: 7 Healthy Vegan Football Snacks That Rock

    I may be a little miffed with football and its fans*lately, but I'm still a lover of the game--and of getting together with friends to watch. But all the chicken wings and potato chips can turn a fun afternoon or evening into a gross, bloated, awful next day and season. Instead of serving...