Why do people hate SUV drivers and pickup truck drivers?


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
I was reading about SUVs and pickup trucks and I saw a lot of very hateful inmature comments on them. People were saying that everyone drives one is a selfish @$$hole who is a horrible driver and is killing the envirnment and has a small d-ick. What kind of car you drive does not going to change the envirnment. SUVs and trucks are much more convinent than small cars. My family has 2 SUVs and I could not imagine having 2 small cars. SUV and truck drivers are also usually poilte drivers who won't tailgate, and let you go at an intersection. People driving sports cars are usually the worst drivers (this is based on observations I have had, not sterotypes). And who cares how bad of a milleage another persons car gets, thats their problem not yours, people should be able to drive what they want. They also say that they can't see if their behind an SUV, i have driven small cars and been behind hummers and still able to see find, if you can't see infront of you thats because your tailgating which is your fault.

So why do people hate SUV and pickup trucks
priuses are worse for the envirnment than hummers