Why do so many people hate SUV's?


New member
Aug 11, 2008
Don't say it's because they destroy the earth because that hasn't been proven yet.
@Bassmaster, You make a good point but I believe if someone isn't skilled enough to drive an SUV or even a large van then they shouldn't have a drivers license.
@Alfonzo, My answers to what you said not being mean just saying what's on my mind.
I'd say if you don't like having your vision obscured then drive a bigger car. An SUV/Truck driver who pulls up to close to you from behind is someone with poor driving skills. Now when it comes to crashes every situation is different. But most of the time the people in the truck walk out with no problem. The first reason for this is because trucks are still build the way cars should be built. With a frame and real bumpers. If cars were built this we there would be less of a problem. The next thing is that if you don't feel safe in a car then don't make the guy who drives a truck drive a car just so you can feel safe. I believe if you want to be safe then drive a truck or SUV. Again when it comes to idiots driving SUV's like a sports car that's just someone with poor driving skills. Station wagon are sadly coming back. The reason why I say sadly is because their c
Wow, I don't know why yahoo just cut my paragraph like that. I know I didn't submitted it like that. Anyways here is the rest of what I was saying to Alfonzo.

Station wagon are sadly coming back. The reason why I say sadly is because their coming back for the wrong reason. I feel like their being forced on us because I see more SUV people buying the station wagons and I think it's because they don't want to look like the big bad SUV driver anymore. And finally an S-10 is a very small truck. I have nothing against them but I wouldn't say you joined the big leagues just yet.

Anyways nothing against you I know you were just saying what you thought about the subject. Any time I said "you" I was simply being general. I'm a good driver and never had an accident or even a close call. I'm just getting tired of people telling me how much of an idiot I am for doing nothing wrong and just because I drive an SUV.
Bunch of good excuses/ answers; Do you really have to take your kids and all their equipment to play hockey or ball? Do you need to haul your boat to the lake? Do you need to go skiing? I could go on and on. In a crash, we are safer than in a little Civic. They are just jealous. They just don't understand that we make good use of these units in our "off hours"
Those are some reasons. Here are some others.

The SUV has become a status symbol (the nice ones)
When you're driving a small car your vision is obscured by the size of the thing, which puts the car at a disadvantage. Also headlights from SUV/trucks blind car drivers when they creep up from behind at night.
Safety - when a SUV crashes into a car, the car gets most of the damage.... it's lighter and closer to the ground. Rollover - SUV's weren't built to be driven like sports cars BUT people do it anyway, even if they know better.
SUV's are responsible for the death of the traditional "station wagon". In the minds of manufacturers, they make a lot more money selling SUV's than they ever did selling station wagons.

I don't...hate...SUV's (I just bought a used S 10 - if you can't beat 'em, you gotta join 'em) but these are some of he things that went through my mind, at one time or another.