Does using the word "teabaggers" make liberals feel funny, creative,...


New member
Dec 27, 2009
...condescending, or something else? Or is it simply a word used by the more puerile members of our community?
I fully recognize that conservatives used the term briefly until discovering the alternative, more vulgar meaning. It appears that liberals have decided to run with the vulgarity.

And Mr. Duck, you can stop using it - for I have never once used any of the terms you listed.
Well its no different then republicans using the word Libbie's or leftist or commies against Democrats
Probably makes them feel that they are superior to everyone else!!! OH! wait- Progressives feel that anyway. They don't need any trick condescending phrases and name calling to feel that they are superior.
Neither. The Tea Party used the term, liberals just ran with the ignorance the right has shown.
I'm not exactly "liberal." But, I use the word.

The word "TEA Bagger" has been appropriately applied to people who have attempted to revise history and call themselves "TEA Partyers" instead.

The original term was "TEA Bagger."

If you recall, in 2009 an email was circulated with the subject line:
"Tea bag the fools in Washington"

It was an attempt to coordinate as many people as possible to send a tea bag as a means of protest to their representatives, all the way up to the Presidency.

Soon after, the first Tax Day demonstrations took place.

In the news coverage of those events, people spoke of tea bagging their congressman, and referred to themselves as "TEA Baggers," in most cases, apparently unaware of the sexual connotation.

Using the term now, in spite of the insistence of participants that the "correct" term is "Partyer" rather than "Bagger," is a very quick, simple way in which the rest of us can point out the blatant ignorance on which the TEA Bagger movement was founded.

There's nothing "liberal" or "leftist" about doing this. It's just rejecting the methods and misinformation of the TEA Baggers.
CAUTION: Answering this question may require a liberal to seek out an encyclopedia, misspell it and provide an embarrassing answer.
Answer: It seems to have become a "keystone" of the liberal mind set.
It is a term first used by Fox News to describe uneducated sheep who flock to what ever protest they are ordered.
Are you saying that the conservative tea-partyers are puerile? They are the ones who first took use of the word. And many take pride in the word.
libs see that term as the height of wittiness...really it just shows a lack of creativity...which also shows the dismal performance of the liberal controlled education system...people who use that term actually think they are zinging us,when they are just making themselves look bad...