
  1. M

    Riddle: What do you have, when you have 1000 Teabaggers on a midnight

    transport to Gitmo? "A Good Start."
  2. G

    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    ...tone it down? And they have the nerve to talk about hypocrisy?
  3. G

    Why don't teabaggers have a sense of humor?

    Also I thought they respected freedom of speech, why do they report questions that mock them?
  4. G

    New START Treaty in place, will the Teabaggers block it?

    Ronald Reagan would spin in his grave. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  5. C

    Does using the word "teabaggers" make liberals feel funny, creative,...

    ...condescending, or something else? Or is it simply a word used by the more puerile members of our community? I fully recognize that conservatives used the term briefly until discovering the alternative, more vulgar meaning. It appears that liberals have decided to run with the vulgarity. And...
  6. G

    Extensive, often Racist Voter Intimidation by Teabaggers Reported in Minnesota

    Minnesota media is reporting several instances of overzealous election challengers in polling places as the Republican Party of Minnesota ramps up its allegations of voter fraud. In several Minnesota precincts, reporters confirmed that GOP poll challengers have overstepped their bounds...
  7. G

    More on Kansas Voter Intimidation by Republicans and Teabaggers

    The Kansas Democratic Party has leveled a charge of voter intimidation and has filed a complaint with the Kansas Attorney General's office.According to the Kansas Democratic Party, they received allegations from "individual" voters from around Kansas who claimed to have received a robo-call from...
  8. G

    More details on Delaware Teabaggers and Voter Intimidation

    The Delaware Democratic Party claimed Tuesday that Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell's supporters were rallying outside polling places and creating a disturbance that amounted to illegal "voter intimidation"...The state Democratic Party first leveled the charge in a brief written...
  9. G

    This is our future if the teabaggers take over

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  10. G

    Do the loyal democrat "teabaggers" resent their homo moniker being misused

    to describe? describe an opposing political movement?
  11. G

    Do the loyal democrat "teabaggers" resent their homo moniker being misused

    to describe? describe an opposing political movement?
  12. B

    How do teabaggers and Republicans propose to make the government smaller?...

    ...Whining is one thing, ideas? Wholesjohn. OK, what? Name some.
  13. G

    What do we think of the Teabaggers?

    According to a recent poll, the vast majority of Americans think that the Teabaggers are ignorant racist dumb-asses. Click here to vote. Website Polls Powered By MicroPoll Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. G

    Teabaggers Explained

    In their own words ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  15. G

    Bachmann, Teabaggers, remain annoying, stupid.

    Bachmann's health care claims falter Bachmann has said the new health care act will unleash a wave of new federal funding for abortion ... contrary to Bachmann's claims, the law doesn't fundamentally change federal policy on abortion ...a Bachmann spokesman has backed off her prediction...
  16. I

    Do teabaggers know their iPhone app will help the helicopters find and round

    them up for FEMA camp placement? http://thehill.com/blogs/hillicon-valley/technology/85205-tea-party-gets-an-iphone-app
  17. G

    Teabaggers: "Tell congress to end Snobama! "

    Michel Bachmann has organized a teabagging protest in Washington to bring right wing voters from across the nation directly into armed and ready, whites of the eye contact with members of Congress to demand that they pass legislation to end the current Snobama that is paralyzing politics and...
  18. G

    Teabaggers: "Tell congress to end Snobama! "

    Michel Bachmann has organized a teabagging protest in Washington to bring right wing voters from across the nation directly into armed and ready, whites of the eye contact with members of Congress to demand that they pass legislation to end the current Snobama that is paralyzing politics and...
  19. H

    Why do right wing teabaggers at town halls complain about being called unpatriotic

    and unAmerican when they? were calling these same words to anti-Iraq war protesters and to the Dixie Chicks? Dry shaving me - sorry but Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Try again. vicsikix - I was talking about the Iraq War protestors - you saying those were paid? Stay on point. I know it's...