about white ppl (among others ) complaining about not being able to use the N word.?


New member
Jul 15, 2008
i always see questions about why its racist when whites use the N word but its not if blacks do.
i have a question for those who complain about this.
why would u even want to use this word? i mean lets think about it this way
what if in the white community it was ok to use the term "cracker, or wonder bread" how would u feel if a black or hispanic or w/e walked up to u and called u this?
I dont even use the N , and would nvr call anyone wonder bread, or racist towards anyone. plus i'm cuban. hispanics use a different word.
oh plz i actually ask this praying this would make more ppl understand why N word is stupid for ANY race to use. not to start anything. if u cant handle this, if ure not mature enough to handel this, go back. because i saw one of these questions last night. not even 1, more like 5
7&7 the N word in reality isnt positive, it was used in slavery. i dunno even know y blacks use it. hispanics use morena not to refer only to dark hispanics, but any beautiful woman.
i wa sjust using an example, if u want think of ur own "positive negative term to refer to whites,"
the ameri... i can care less if u use, i dare u to go to a neighborhood packed with black i doubt u'll come out alive. use it i dont care. i ask because whites keep complaining about it being racist if they use it.
oh and who ever wants to report this. go right head. its not racist. not even close/
"what if in the white community it was ok to use the term "cracker, or wonder bread" how would u feel....."

See, thats the difference. We aren't that stupid to want to use the word "cracker" in a POSITIVE way.
I agree with the second answer, they want to say it because the know they can't. One forbidden word, and it just KILLS them that we can say it and they can't. And they actually compare the negative white slurs like "cracker" and others to the N word as if it comes anywhere close to being as degrading and as derogatory in meaning and spirit as the N word.