unintentional shoplifting please help me im afraid..?


Apr 16, 2008
Me and two of my friend went to the grocery store with my baby in stroller. We decided to split up and check other staff in the store and meet somewhere in several minutes. My friend took the shopping cart with them. I found this mascara worth $4 and since I don't have anywhere to put it, I placed it on my baby's stroller. When we reached the counter, one of my friend decided to bring my baby out of the store. Due to exhaustion, with all that roaming around in the store, I totally forgot that the mascara is still with the baby. Of course, the security/COPS approached us after we left the store. Now, I'm facing a hearing in a local court regarding the incident. We already spoke with the stores manager/owner that was an accident but they refused to hear us out. I'm a young mother and an immigrant here in California.. Im afraid this will greatly affect me and my family.. please help..