
  1. X

    does shoplifting conviction become "spent"?

    at the age of late 12 i committed crime (yes this is stupid and i regret this). i paid for some stuff but not all as a result i was caught and i had to go to police.but i wasnt fined or anything just banned from store for some time. i know i have criminal record but will it ever become spent...
  2. I

    Do I have to tell a future employer I was caught shoplifting?

    I'm 15, and when I turn 16 I'm going to start applying for jobs. I was caught shoplifting $10 worth of makeup at Sears. I cooperated with them and gave them all their stuff back and no police were involved and I have to pay restitution and I don't think I have a criminal record. Would that show...
  3. R

    How to get out of a shoplifting charge?

    I got a shoplifting ticket yesterday for two xbox 360 games that amounted up to $50 because of black Friday. I bought a basketball while I was in the store and I seen one of my freinds so I told him to hold my ball while I go into the bathroom so I wouldn't look supicous but I held the games in...
  4. J

    Hollywood actress accused of shoplifting in CA.?

    Hollywood actress accused of shoplifting in CA. in 1990's.
  5. A

    unintentional shoplifting please help me im afraid..?

    Me and two of my friend went to the grocery store with my baby in stroller. We decided to split up and check other staff in the store and meet somewhere in several minutes. My friend took the shopping cart with them. I found this mascara worth $4 and since I don't have anywhere to put it, I...
  6. L

    Mentally recovering after almost getting caught shoplifting?

    Hi Everybody, Recently I have made a very big mistake... shoplifted from a 7-11 store and didnt get caught. The next day I whent back to try again. I bought something, then went back to take something again. I stuck a candybar into my pocket and while I was on my way out, the clerk said to me...
  7. Jordan

    If you have sex with a prostatute and don't pay for her, is that rape or shoplifting?

    I want to know. Not to really be taken that seruisly, though.
  8. W

    Please explain the difference between legalized shoplifting vs taking money from

    future kids, for bailouts?;_ylt=AqMZN8bedWstsSo5e4abF8Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090211165211AASDu6z Look at some answers (above) about how wrong legalized shoplifting is...yet we are STEALING from kids that haven't been born yet, through deficit spending. HOW...
  9. F

    Shoplifting and Traveling back to the states?

    My friend recently got into a bit of trouble she got caught shoplifting from a store here in Canada...but she has some family issues back in the states that she wants to get taken care of....she has two court dates one to get finger printed and the second to be either found guilty or none...
  10. D

    my sister got caught shoplifting at walmat they pushed the cart with her... in it in front of a car? Both of my sisters got caught shoplifting from wal mart, when they were walking out of the store no one stoped them till they were almost to the crosswalk then 4 people ran up behind them and tackled them they also pushed the basket that had my sisters 2 year old...