
  1. T

    What is your favorite Attack ad (in terms of unintentional humor)?

    This can be national or state wide. I currently live in Indiana right now, and I am being bombarded by attack ads against Joe Donnelly (he's running for senate against Richard Mourdock.) Anyway, this one ad said that "JOE DONNELLY SAYS HE DOESN'T LIKE TAXES. BUT HE VOTED ON OBAMACARE, AND HE'S...
  2. E

    How can you distinguish between what is intentional and unintentional effect...

    ...in movies? For example, we can say that in a film, the director made use of an extreme close-up. We can say that this is to emphasize the character's features or something. Another example would be when the camera shows the sky, and this can be interpreted in so many ways. My question...
  3. N

    What are some funny things you did as a kid that was unintentional?

    I drew flowers on the walls in the bathroom. I signed squiggles on my mom's checks when i was four and she was in the store and had to go back home to get some more. and brought frogs into the house all the time. My cousin "paid the bills" by taking all of the stamps, and sealing all of the...
  4. M

    Problems with unintentional plagiarism?

    This is my first time using turnitin.com so I decided I would try the student version, writecheck. I got a whopping 21 percent, excluding quotes even though I swear i didn't copy anything. The assignment was to take notes/summarize the Odyssey and a lot of the things highlighted as plagiarism...
  5. A

    unintentional shoplifting please help me im afraid..?

    Me and two of my friend went to the grocery store with my baby in stroller. We decided to split up and check other staff in the store and meet somewhere in several minutes. My friend took the shopping cart with them. I found this mascara worth $4 and since I don't have anywhere to put it, I...